Charles Hughes' Family Line
Wales and the Southern U.S. from the 1600s

Hughes Generation 1

Charles Hughes
b. 1665, Denbighshire, Wales
d. 1711, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

+ Rebecca (maiden name unknown), Radnor Township, Pennsylvania
b. abt. 1675
d. aft. 1711

Charles Hughes may have been named after England's King Charles II.

Charles II was king of Scotland from 1649 until his deposition in 1651, and king of England, Scotland and Ireland from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 until his death in 1685.

"Vivian Taylor commented that the name 'Charles' is troublesome to her. She said she was told that at that time no protestant (Quaker or otherwise) would name their child Charles because Charles, King of England, was a Catholic. She felt this might indicate that Charles Hughes was not a Quaker. However, our Charles was probably born just after Charles II regained the throne in 1661. He was very popular for a few years and many children were named for him. His later fall from popularity may explain why Francis may not have named a child 'Charles'.

— David M. Hughes (1)

Charles Hughes arrived in Philadelphia in 1684 after crossing the Atlantic on the ship Vine.

Charles Hughes was on the ship "Vine" of Liverpool which sailed from Dolyserre (Dolserau) an estate on the Wnion River in Wales, and arrived Philadelphia July 17, 1684. He was listed as a manservant of David Davis who came with his sister Katherine and her daughter Mary Tidey (Tudor). Charles had three years to serve. They all apparently came from Denbighshire in Wales. It is near Dolgules (Dolgellau) in Merionethshire Wales.

There were 96 passengers listed on the ship. On the same voyage was Rees Jones who was from Llanglynin. Other passengers on the voyage were from Machinleth or Manhinteth (Machynlleth) in Montgomeryshire. Dr. Griffith Owen was also on this voyage. Griffith Owen was apparently the son of Robert Owen, the famous Quaker leader who lived at Dolserau.

— David M. Hughes (1)

Charles Hughes arrived in Philadelphia with an obligation of three years' service.

Another account of the voyage of Charles Hughes to America is in "Emigrants to Pennsylvania" edited by Michael Tepper. Under the chapter headed 'A Partial List of the Families who Arrived at Philadelphia Between 1682 and 1687' are the following comments.

"It may surprise some of our readers to learn of the number of servants brought out by the early settlers. This is no doubt greatly increased by the liberal terms which Penn (William Penn) offered to emigrants. The advantages offered to those who would bring servants and those who would come as such were equal. Each was to have fifty acres when the servant's time should expire. Nor did the word servant as used here necessarily imply a person who was to perform menial duties. On the contrary, they were often farm hands or skilled mechanics, in some cases of the same social position as their masters, in others they were no doubt overseers to act for purchasers who remained in England..." (page 7)

"William Preeson Mr (master) of the Vine of Leverpoole arrived the 1th day of the 7 mo. 1684 At Philadelphia ffrom Dolyserne near Dolgules in Merionothshire. Robert Owen and Jeane his wife and Lewes their son, one servt Boy named Edward Edwards for 8 years & 4 serv't Maids named Loury Edwards for 4 yrs. Margaret Edwards for 4 yers. Ann Owen for 12 yers and Hannah Watt for 3 yers. From 'Derbyshire': David Davis & Katherine his sister & Mary Tidey her daughter and one serv't man named Charles Hues for 3 yers. (page 10)"

— David M. Hughes (1)

Charles Hughes's wedding caused some contraversy within the Quaker community in Pennsylvania.

"In the Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania by Browning, it is stated that the Radnor mm minutes of Feb. 11, 1695 indicate Charles Hughes married out of the church. Radnor township was located just west of Bryn Mawr, PA and just Southeast of Valley Forge. Highway 30 west of Philadelphia runs through this area. This is about 25 miles downstream on the Schuylkill River from Birdsboro. In previous records of the Radnor monthly meeting, Charles is a witness to weddings of several people from 1689 to 1693. Note that this places Charles as a resident of the Radnor township from 1689 to 1695.

"Charles may not have been a Quaker. The Quakers who attended his wedding and were criticized may have been his friends. I need to check the Radnor mm minutes for 2/11/1695 to see exactly how this is worded.

In Welsh Settlement of Pa page 262, it is stated "...and that because David Potts, Owen Thomas, and Evan Harry were at the wedding, 'which marriage friends had no unity with', "they were dealt with by Robert Owen and Edward Jones, and thereupon gave forth the following paper of condemnation, viz. For as much as we whose names are hereunto written, for want of due consideration have unadvisedly been at the dishonorable marriage of Charles Hughes, and by so doing have transgressed against this good order as established among friends of Truth," &c., hereby acknowledging publicly before the meeting the mistake they made.

"But in May 1722 the Radnor Mo. Mtg. was not so certain of its stand as to "dishonorable marriages," as it instructed its representatives to the quarterly meeting "to report that the monthly meeting was concerned whether it was necessary to disown such persons as go the the priest to marry, or only advise them."

"The Radnor mm minutes show that Charles Hughes signed as a witness to weddings in the Quaker Church 8/18/1689, 12/4/1690, 4/23/1692, and 2/22/1693.""

— David M. Hughes (1)

Philadelphia will book C, p. 295, recorded Dec. 9, 1711, proved May 8, 1712

"Charles Hughes, wife Rebecca, Children Francis, John, Rebecca, and Ann. Wife and Rees Ap Edward (?sp) executors. Witnesses Rees Ab Edward and Edward Rees.


  • "A Rees came over on the ship Vine with Charles.
  • "A Rees Hughes marries a Mary Jones in 4 May 1717 in Christ Church Philadelphia.

— David M. Hughes (1)

Hughes families living near Charles Hughes in Pennsylvania

"It is possible that other members of Charles' family had already traveled to America.In fact, there are several "Hughes" in the Welsh groups of Quakers who preceded Charles. At some point it would be useful to investigate their origin.Records in Wales may provide some information about this...


"Evan ap Hugh of near Bala, Co. Mer. (Merioneth), yeoman; prob s. (son) of Hugh Cadwalader ap Rhys, of par. (parish?) of Yspytty Evan, and bro. of John ap Hugh (or John Hugh, or Pugh, of Gwynedd).Rmd (removed?) to Gwynedd, Penna., 1698. Ch. E. (Church of England) Freeholder of 800 a. (acres) ld. (land) in Gwynedd."

"Whether or not this has any connection with our family I do not know."

— David M. Hughes (1)

The Hughes Surname DNA Project documents and compares Y-Chromosome markers from hundreds of male testers descending from Hughes ancestors. As of December 2017 this study includes the following tests from descendents of Charles Hughes the Immigrant. It is not known how theseesters reside in the lines branching from from Charles. Going forward, DNA testing will become more and more important to verifying or refuting how descendants of Charles Hughes the Immigrant align with each other.

  • Paternal ancestor, Charles Hughes of Wales, b. 1665 — FamilyTreeDNA test kit 310243
  • Paternal ancestor, Charles Hughes of Wales, b. 1665 — FamilyTreeDNA test kit N37071

Hughes Generation 2

John Hughes
b. abt. 1695, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"There are several John Hughes in Pennsylvania during the period 1730 to 1750 who could be the brother of Francis. This is an important area for future research."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Francis Hughes of Augusta
b. abt. 1697, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
d. 1777, probably Augusta County (present day Rockingham County), Virginia

+ Christina, betw. 1720 and 1734, Pennsylvania — speculated to be the daughter of Andrew Bird
b. betw. 1696-1715, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Ingebo Hughes
  • John Hughes
  • Aaron Hughes
  • Francis Hughes, Jr.

Francis Hughes moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia in late 1746 or early 1747.

1720 Petition

"Francis is a signatory to a petition requesting that the area on the south side of the Schuylkill river — in the area of Robeson township — be brought into the jurisdiction of Philadelphia County instead of Chester County."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Tax Rolls, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Francis Hughes was a resident of Coventry township in 1725 and 1726.

Quarter Sessions minutes for August 5, 1729, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Francis Hughes was appointed by the court as "Constable of Robinson (Robeson) township".
— David M. Hughes (1)

Cocalico township Quarter Sessions docket (1729-1742)

"Several Inhabitants of the Township of Robinson praying a Road may be laid out Beginning at the most Convenient place near the Sinking Spring on Tolpehoken Road thence by Widdow Jones's, James Lewis's the Saw Mill and Francis Hugh's plantation into the Cocalico Road. Thence to the County line in order to Joyn a Road Leading by Millers Mill to Philadelphia".
— David M. Hughes (1)

Cocalico township, minutes for court held May 4, 1735

"Francis Hughs to appear and prosecute Jno Rogers for assault and battery... John Rogers: Stealing one Bay Gelding to the Vallue of Six pounds belonging to Francis Hughs. Found guilty. Ordered to make restitution, fined six pounds plus costs & Moreover Receive on his bare back twenty one Lashes."
— David M. Hughes (1)

1736 patent in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

"194 acres on Haycreek (at the Schuylkill river).Francis is listed as "Francis Hughes late of Victor Nailey".Victor Nailey was a settlement not far from present Birdsboro."
— David M. Hughes (1)

1746 Sale of Home, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book 7, page 486

"Francis Hughes 'yeoman' and his wife Christian sell their "two hundred acres and the allowance" to William Bird for the sum of 280 pounds 'current money of Pennsylvania'."
— David M. Hughes (1)

1747 Tax Rolls, Chester County, Pennsylvania

"This may have been a place of temporary residence for Francis after he sold his land to William Bird and before moving to Virginia. Francis' property on the Schuylkill was located in Lancaster County until 1752, when that part of the county became Berks County."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Purchase of land in Virginia: Augusta County, Deed Book No. 2 p. 13

"4th September, 1747. John Millar (Millan) and wife Hannah of Augusta County for the sum of 60 pounds sold to Francis Hughes, late of Lancaster County of the province of Pennsylvania 200 acres in Augusta County being a part of 400 acres patented to Thomas Rutherford, of Frederick County, and by him sold to James Gill, late of Augusta; other part in possession of Thomas Moore. Teste: Mathew Skeen, Thos. Milsap. Delivered to Abra. (?) Bird, January, 1754."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Additional land purchase: "Genealogies of Va. Families," p. 138

"Francis Hughes buys 225 acres in Augusta Co. on NR of Shenando... This 225 acres was surveyed for Francis Hughes March 27, 1750. It is adjacent to the original 200 acres he bought in 1747."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Military Service: wages in militia of Albemarle County, Virginia, earned by Francis Hughes

"September 1758: back wages due from Geo II in 'act for the defence of the frontiers of this colony, and for other purposes therein mentioned'."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Hughes Generation 3

Ingebo Hughes
b. 1730, Pennsylvania

+ 1) Reuben Allen II, 1747, Augusta County, Virginia
d. 1751, Mount Jackson, Virginia

+ 2) John Skeen, 1751, Augusta County, Virginia, son of Matthew Skeen

  • Moses Skeen, b. abt. 1755, Frederick County, Virginia; + Magdalene Bird; their children: Clarissa Skeen, b. 1778, Reuben Skeen, b. abt. 1780

"I believe the name probably came from the family of Andrew Byrd (d. 1750) and his wife Madalene Jones (daughter of Mounce Jones & Ingeborg Lycon — Swedish from PA)... See "Byrds & Sonners of Shenanhoah County, VA" — Marilyn Harton et al (1983), p.1, section 104... I note also that a daughter of the above couple Ingabough Byrd married Rueben Allen. see also "The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware" by Peter Craig (1993), p.38."
— Karl Kiser, Dec. 14, 1999; similar message from Gayle Lovelady Coberly, Dec. 14, 1999

John Hughes of Greene
b. bef. 1732, Pennsylvania
d. July 7, 1791, Greene County, Tennessee

+ Sarah Day Wright
d. aft. 1795, probably Greene County, Tennessee

  • Aaron Hughes

John's will left his estate to his wife, Sarah, and, upon her death, to their son, Aaron Hughes. The will does not list other children. Other documents do, however, indicate a relationship to two other children, who could have been either siblings or cousins:

Early Tennessee histories may indicate a son of John and Sarah Hughes named John Hughes, who claimed that he was the brother of Francis of Greene County. This John Hughes completed a Revolutionary War pension application at the age of 80 on Sept. 5, 1832. The application states that he lived (a) at enlistment in Burke County, North Carolina, (b) subsequently in Blount County, Tennesee, and (c) finally settling in McMinn County, Tennessee. If he were the son of John and Sarah Hughes, he would be listed as follows:

  • John Hughes II

Two additional daughters attributed to John and Sarah Hughes are:

  • Christiana Hughes, b. betw. 1760-1770
  • Eleanor Hughes, b. betw. 1765-1770

1743 ledger of the Coventry Forge, Pennsylvania

Francis Hughes is credited for "work done by your son John at the damm".
— David M. Hughes (1)

March 1747, records of Federick County, Virginia: John Hughes binds himself in consideration of 17 Pounds to Andrew Campbell to serve him during the space of 17 months.

"This agreement... was a few months before Francis concluded his purchase of land on the north fork of the Shenandoah in 1747... I suspect John was old enough to work (probably about 16 by then) and took this job to support himself when his parents moved to Virginia... The same records show that Andrew Campbell concluded the purchase of a plantation of four hundred acres "adjoining the county line" one day after John signed the agreement to work for him. I would think John's help was needed by Campbell to work the plantation."
— David M. Hughes (1)

1752 records of Federick County, Virginia: John (J) Hughes signs as a witness to a lease of 252 acres by George Johnston, Gentleman, of the County of Frederick, to George Washington of County of King George.

"The most interesting thing about this transcript is that it shows John's signature as "John (J) Hughes". The transcript of John's will indicated the same (J) as part of the signature... this occured because his signature in the will was made with the left side of the cursive capital letter 'H' slightly separated from the rest of the letter."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Records of Frederick County (Shenandoah County Deeds, by Amelia Gilreath, Page 267, 25 May, 1780): a 'lease and release' is done between John Hughes to Mounts (Mounce) Bird for 1/2 acre of land designated as lot #75 in the town of Woodstock.

"John's mother is speculated to be the daughter of Andrew Bird. She would therefore be a sister to Mounce Bird. Here John is selling a town lot to a person who is speculated to be his uncle. This activity above would seem to indicate that John may have been a resident of Frederick County until 1768. This area of Frederick County became Shenandoah County in 1772."
— David M. Hughes (1)

From Settlers by the Long Grey Trail): "On the 26 July 1753, Thomas Moore and Mary his wife deeded 200 acres of land on Smiths Creek to Samuel Newman. This land had originally been obtained from Fairfax by Newman who in turn sold it to Moore." Teste: Wm. Carrel and John Hughes" (See, Augusta County Deed Book No. 5, p. 349, Chalkley, Vol. III, p. 315)

"This was the year that the county line between Augusta and Frederick was finally adjusted, but at that the land was evidently outside of Fairfax's territory. Note that 4 Sept 1747 Thomas Moore was listed as in possession of other part of 400 acres which was purchased by Francis H from John Millar. Here we have a John Hughes witnessing a sale in 1753 from a man who owned land next door to Francis. This also means this John must have been born prior to 1732, which fits perfectly with our estimated birth date of John, son of Francis. He [John] could, of course, be the brother of Francis whose location in the 1750's I have not determined."
— David M. Hughes (1)

In 1754 John Hughes received 150 acres of land on Timber Ridge above Timberville.

"I have visited this property. It is located high on the ridge and is currently planted in part with apple trees. It is not particularly good farm land. It is almost directly across the river from Francis' land on the north fork of the Shenandoah. This land is about 12 miles southwest of Woodstock. I do not know whether or not John ever lived on this property."
— David M. Hughes (1)

In Deed Book 12, pages 432 and 433, it is recorded that John Hughes sold 1/2 acre of land in the town of Woodstock, Virginia, to Mounts Bird in April of 1768. George Ruddell, Richard Campbell, and Burr Harrison were witnesses.

"I believe this answers the mystery about the parents of Francis Hughes who fought at King's Mountain, NC and was very active in the early formation of the state of Tennessee. In his Revolutionary War pension application of 1833, Francis Hughes (of King's Mountain) stated that he was born in 1759 in 'Shenandoah County, VA'. Shenandoah County was formed from Frederick County in 1772. Woodstock is therefore in what would have been referred to as Shenandoah County in 1833 when Francis made his pension application. I have found no other record of a Hughes owning land in Shenandoah County. Francis (generation 2) only owned land in Augusta/Rockingham county. I believe this suggests that Francis of King's Mountain was the son of John Hughes, not Francis Hughes. This would make Francis the brother of Aaron (generation 4) who marries Sarah Mackey in Tennessee."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Augusta County, Virginia, Deed book 15, p 220, dated 5 November 1768: 224 acres (which had been patented to John Hughes) was conveyed to Joseph Lair by John Hughes and Sarah Hughes.

"This land was on a branch of Linville Creek and was adjacent to the land owned by the Lincoln family.Witnesses to the transaction were Andrew Byrd, Matthias Lair, and Edward Sampson.A further reference to this transaction can be found in Augusta County, VA Deed book 22, page 197, dated 16 August 1774 when the property was sold by Joseph Lair to his brother Andrew Lair... The sale of John's land at Linville Creek and the town lot at Woodstock may represent the date for John and Sarah leaving Virginia."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Greene County, Tennessee, Court Minutes for 1783 - 1799: "A deed of conveyance from Robt. Blackburn to John Hughes for one hundred and fifty acres of land was duly proven by the oaths of Francis Huges & Dan Kenedy & the Sale or'd to be rec'd."

"This is recorded in the May 1784 minutes for "Greene County and State of North Carolina". This may give us the date that John and Sarah moved to Tennessee."
— David M. Hughes (1)

A John Hughes is listed as one of the Virginia troops in the Continental Line.

"John Hughes is listed in Hennings Statues at Large as a member of the Augusta County, Virginia, militia in 1758."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Hughes Generation 4

Aaron Hughes of Dade
b. betw. 1760 and 1770
d. 1841, Walker or Dade County, Georgia

+ Sarah Mackey, Apr. 24, 1797, Greene County, Tennessee, daughter of Elias Mackey

  • Aaron Hughes, b. 1793, Tennessee, d. December 08, 1867, buried Hughes Cemetary, Dunlap, Tennessee
  • Thomas Hughes, b. Aft. 1797
  • Benjamin Hughes, b. Abt. 1803, Kentucky
  • William Hughes, b. 1803, Tennessee, d. 1884, Dade, Georgia
  • John Hughes, b. Abt. 1805
  • Sarah Hughes, b. Abt. 1810, probably Overton Coounty, Tennessee, d. Abt. 1895, Bledsoe County, Tennessee
  • Martin Hughes, b. Abt. 1811, probably Overton County, Tennessee

Margaret Hughes
b. abt. 1752, possibly in Frederick County, Virginia (organized in 1772 as Dunmore County, renamed Shenandoah County in 1778)
d. abt. 1816, Rhea County, Tennessee

+ Col. Daniel Kennedy, Oct. 24, 1774
b. late 1750 or early 1751, in the Back Creek area of Frederick County, Virginia (now organized as part of Berkeley County, West Virginia)
d. Sep. 15, 1802, Greene County, Tennessee, of blood poisoning following an injury to his hand by a forge hammer at his iron works; buried Zion Church Cemetery

  • John Kennedy, b. Oct. 29, 1775, d. Aug. 19, 1845;
    + Patience Davis, 1794, b. Dec. 27, 1772, d. Jan. 14, 1842, Greene County, Tennessee (daughter of Thomas Davis b. Feb. 10, 1739-40, South Carolina, d. Sep. 22, 1825, Greeneville, Greene County Tennesse, and Sarah 'Sally' Harrison, daughter of William Harrison and Ann Kirkland)
    • William Kennedy, d. Indiana, + Elizabeth Murphy
    • Thomas Kennedy
    • James Kennedy, d. Mar. 9, 1863, Indiana, + Christine Hughes, Oct. 16, 1823, Greene County, Tennessee
    • Mary Ann "Polly" Kennedy, + Thomas Y. Hutches, Oct. 23, 1844, Greene County, Tennessee
    • Daniel Kennedy, Jr., b. Sep. 23, 1795, d. July 6, 1861; + Margaret Kennedy (daughter of Thomas Kennedy and Esther Perry)
    • John Davis Kennedy, b. Mar. 1801, Greene County, Tennessee, d. Nov. 19, 1864, Brown County, Indiana, + Mary "Polly" King Alexander, July 21, 1824
    • Allen Kennedy, b. abt. 1812, d. Apr. 19, 1833, Greene County, Tennessee, + Margaret Waddle
    • Margaret "Peggy' Kennedy, b. May 26, 1817, Greene County, Tennessee, d. Aug. 27, 1878, Lamar County, Texas, + Levi Henshaw, Nov. 27, 1840, Greene County, Tennessee
  • Thomas Kennedy, b. May 13, d. 1778, d. Jul. 7, 1863; + 1) Esther Penny
  • Mary Kennedy, b. Dec. 22, 1779, d. aft. 1823; + Daniel Rawling, 1794
  • William Kennedy, b. Apr. 1, 1781, d. aft. 1836; + 1 (first name unknown) Miller, + 2 Mary "Polly" Scott, 1818
  • Daniel Kennedy, b. Aug. 2, 1784, d. abt. 1809; +Ann Miller, Feb. 20, 1806
  • Sarah Kennedy, b. Feb. 7, 1788, d. Jul. 12, 1870; + Stephen K. Alexander, 1803
  • Elizabeth Kennedy, b. Aug. 21, 1790; + James Bailey, Dec. 18, 1804
  • Margaret Kennedy, b. May 10, 1793, d. 1864; + James E. McClure, 1811
  • Polly Ann Kennedy, b. Nov. 20, 1795, d. Aug. 10, 1825; + Rezin Rawlings, 1808
  • Allen A. Kennedy, b. May 27, 1798, d. Jul. 19, 1857; + Margaret Hackett
  • George Kennedy, b. Feb. 14, 1801, d. abt. 1822, Rhea County, Tennessee

Daniel Kennedy as Daniel Kennedy III:

"Daniel Kennedy III was? Scotland. Daniel the 1st was a Jacobite and was captured at Preston. He was transported against his will from Liverpool in the Godspeed 28 July 1716, arrived in Maryland, Oct. 1716. Indentured to John Courts, MD 18 Oct. 1716. Daniel the 2nd, was apparently married more that once as I am descended from Col. Daniels 1/2 sister Elizabeth from his 1st marriage, but lack details."
— Don R. Baker, Hughes Genforum post, Dec. 17, 1998

"Daniel Kennedy - Scottish Rebel was transported to America on the Ship Good Speed on the 18 Oct 1716. Daniel was purchased by John Courts of Anne A. MD. Does any Kennedy researcher have proven descent from this Daniel or even "a theory" of descendency from him. The rebels were sold by the factor of Messrs. Richard Guildard & Company to serve a term of 7 years. Other Rebell's purchased by John Courts were: Patt McKoy, Angus McDormott. Some of the Rebels were purchased by those who were sympathetic to the Stuart cause, and planned on immediately setting them free."
— Jayne McCarley, Hughes Genforum post, Feb. 16, 1999

Notes about Daniel Kenndy from research of Kay White (4):

"In 1774, a Daniel Kennedy served in Lord Dunmore's War as a private in the company of Captain Evan Shelby - it is believed that this was our Daniel, as family tradition claims that he served in this war under Shelby. In 1776 he aided in the defense of the Watauga Fort (then NC, now TN) when it was attacked by the Cherokee Indians. He enlisted on 1 Jan 1777 and served as a Sgt. in Capt. John Asby's Co. (also designated as Capt. Valentine Peyton's Co.) of the 3rd Virginia Regiment.

"Historians, in general, state that he migrated to the vicinity of Milburnton, TN (then Washington Co., NC) in 1778, the date of his first land entry, however, at that time he had cleared acreage and two houses on this land which would indicate an earlier migration, and it is evident that he was in the Watauga area in 1776.

"Daniel's first land grant for 394 acres was entered on 22 July 1778 'on the head of the Mill Fork of Lick Creek' in Washington County, North Carolina (North Carolina Grant #328); on 10 Aug 1779 he entered 120 acres adjoining his land (North Carolina Grant #388).

"Prior to 1783, when he appeared on the Greene County, TN tax list, he had removed to a large tract of land about six miles southeast of Greeneville, TN at the mouth of Camp Creek on the Nolichucky River and this homestead remained in the family for over a hundred years.

"Referred to as the '"'Father of Greene County', much has been written about Col. Daniel's involvement in the politics of this area and about his military career. He served in many campaigns under Col. John Sevier, including the Battle of King's Mountain, at which time he was promoted to Captain...

"...he was an interpreter at the Dumplin Creek Treaty after which he was commissioned Colonel; he was a conservative, rather than radical, supporter of the State of Franklin and prominent in that movement (Sevier appointed him a Brigadier General for the State of Franklin in May 1785 however, and perhaps because the State of Franklin did not materialize, it appears that Daniel and his family preferred the title of Colonel);

"...he was Clerk of the Greene County Court and was a trustee of Washington and Greeneville Colleges; in addition to large land holdings, he owned a tannery, an iron works, and a number of slaves."

"The Kennedy's were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. In Greene County, TN, they were affiliated with the Zion Presbyterian Church. This church stood located just south of the Kennedy homestead, which was just south of the Nolachukey River and across the Old Jonesboro Road from where Camp Creek joins the Nolachukey. A grandson of Daniel Kennedy is believed to have built the house now on the site. This house faces Jonesboro Road.

"Col. Daniel Kennedy's earmark was a single crop of the right ear and a slit in the left ear."

From Goodspeed's Hisory of Greene County, 1887:

"Daniel Kennedy came in 1779, and located on the river four miles east of Greenville, at the mouth of Holley Creek. He was one of the most prominent pioneers of the State, and deserves to rank with Sevier, Shelby and Cocke.

"He was chosen clerk of the county court upon the organization of the county, and continued to hold it under four successive changes of government, a sufficient proof of his integrity and worth.

"He was an ardent support of the State of Franklin, and was an active participant in the convention which founded it. He was also elected a brigadier-general of the Franklin militia."

Francis Hughes of King's Mountain
b. 1759, possibly in Frederick County (organized in 1772 as Dunmore County, which was renamed Shenandoah County in 1778), Virginia
d. Jan. 25, 1841, Bledsoe County, Tennessee

+ 1) Rebecca Allen (his 1st cousin)
daughter of Rueben Allen II and Ingabo Hughes
b. abt. 1750
d. abt. 1795

+ 2) Elizabeth Long, July 28, 1802, Greene County, Tennessee
separated 1803, divorced Feb. 27, 1816

  • Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes

Francis Hughes is S.A.R. Patriot number P-187404; D.A.R. ancestor number A059129.

  • 1759 — birth year, calculated from information in his Revolutionary War pension application.
  • 1776 — at the age of 17, Francis Hughes was an Ensign at Fort Sevier on the Nolichucky River (in what is now Tennessee). At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he was living in Rowan County (now part of Burke County), North Carolina.
  • 1780 — Francis volunteered for service in the Revolutionary War and later fought in the Battle of King's Mountain.
  • 1782 — Francis received 99 acres "on the water of Sinking Creek" in Washington County, North Carolina (in what is now Tennessee).
  • 1832 — Francis filed for his war pension.
  • 1840 — Francis was listed in the census of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, living with his daughter Margaret.
  • 1841 — Francis died in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

Francis Hughes first entered military service as a ranger in June, 1776, in Burke County, North Carolina. He served in Capt. Penland's Company on the western Catawba Frontier, scouting against the hostile Cherokee and Creek Indians. In August 1776, Hughes joined up with Rutherford's troops and took part in the Cherokee Expedition of August-October 1776. In his pension declaration, he mentions an engagement in which eighteen Indians were killed.

In January 1777, he enlisted in Col. John Sevier's Regiment. Their purpose was to clear the Watauga Settlements from Indian incursions. He helped to build a garrison and fort on the Nolachukey River (at Gallaker's or Gallagher's) in what is now part of Tennessee.

In September 1780, Hughes volunteered under Col. Sevier (Capt. Samuel William's Company) and took part in the great King's Mountain Expedition of September and October 1780. The march culminated on October 7, 1780, in the American Victory at King's Mountain, South Carolina.

He volunteered... under Col Sevier in Sept of 1780 to go on expedition against Ferguson to King's Mountain under Samuel Williams and marched with Col Campbell's forces from Virginia across the Yellow Mountains and into North Carolina. There they met the militia under Col McDowell and were led on into the engagement by him. In the month of Oct they had the memorable battle of King's Mountain in which Ferguson was killed and all of his men killed or taken prisoner.
— David M. Hughes (1)

Francis' final tour of duty was under Col. Sevier for a period of one month in the winter of 1780. This consisted of a short march to Cherokee country and back.

This final campaign marched to the border of the Cherokee nation. Hearing that the indians had retreated to the interior of their country, Francis was verbally discharged and able to return home.

Francis Hughes pension record, as documented by Descendants of John Hewes. (15)

"Francis Hughes was of Greene County, Tenn., 21 July, 1833, then aged 74 years, when he applied for pension, alleging that he resided in Burke County, N. C., in June, 1776, when he enlisted as a ranger in North Carolina, under Capt. Penland, in the command of Gen. McDowell, and served two months and a half against the Cherokee and Creek Indians.

"On his return from this tour of service, he met the troops under Gen. Rutherford on their march to the Cherokee Nation, and volunteered under Rutherford. The expedition proceeded to the "Nation." In the overhill towns the Indians embodied, and an engagement ensued in which the Indians were defeated with a loss of 18 killed. This tour of service lasted from August, 1776, to December, 1776, four months.

"In Jan., 1777, he volunteered under Col. John Sevier to retake the western settlements on the Watoga. Seviers' force was employed in building a fort for defense at "Gallaker's" on "Nola Sheeky" river, in the present State of Tennessee. Hughes was stationed there for twelve months.

"Under the Act of North Carolina calling for new levies, he volunteered in Sept., 1780, for an expedition, under Col. Sevier, against Ferguson. He was in Capt. Samuel Williams' company and marched with Campbell's Virginia troops across the "Yellow Mountains" into North Carolina, and there met the militia under General McDowell, and in October was present at the battle of King's Mountain.

"After the battle he helped guard the prisoners on the march to the "Barrix" for exchange, serving three months. In the winter of 1780 he again volunteered and was led by Col. Sevier against the Cherokee Indians and marched to the borders of their country, but the Indians had retired. He was one month in this service. His total service was 21 months and 14 days.

"He was born in Shenandoah Co Va., in 1759, and had lived in Washington County, afterward in Greene County. He was living in 1839."

Per notes written in the 19th century by Goodspeed, Francis Hughes may have used his Revolutionary War service to qualify as Greene County's ranger, a key government position that often focused on road construction and maintenance. (14)

"In 1783, the General Assembly of North Carolina passed an act dividing Washington County for the second time, and establishing the county of Greene. On the third Monday of August, the court of pleas and quarter sessions met at the house of Robert Carr, which stood near to what is known as the Big Spring in Greeneville.

"The magistrates present were Joseph Hardin, John Newman, George Doherty, James Houston, Amos Bird and Asahel Rawlings. Daniel Kennedy was elected clerk; James Wilson, sheriff; William Cocke, attorney for the State; Joseph Hardin, Jr., entry taker; Isaac Taylor, surveyor, Richard Woods, register, and Francis Hughes, ranger.

"In May, 1785, the county was reorganized under the State of Franklin, and all the officers who were reappointed were required to take a new oath of office. The magistrates who appeared and qualified were Joseph Hardin, George Doherty, Benjamin and John Gist, Newman, Asabel Rawlings, John Maughon, James Patterson, John Weir and David Craig.

"The old county officers were removed except Daniel Kennedy, clerk and Francis Hughes, ranger. The county, as a whole, was the most loyal to the Franklin government of any of the counties composing the State, and jealously guarded against anything tending to weaken its influence or authority."

Hughes Stagecoach Stop, from "The Southside," a booklet by Goldene Fillers Burgner

"Only part of this Major Statecoach Inn is still standing. Originally there was another building connected to this one by a breezeway. Stagecoaches used the Jonesborough road until 1885 - the last to operate in Greene County. Francis Hughes, first Greene County ranger, was operator of this establishment. As the coach approached, the driver blew on a horn - a toot for every passenger to be served. There was also feed and water for the horses. Inside is a beautiful fireplace of hewed limestone rocks, walls are plastered over real horse hair. There is a narrow winding staircase inside. This is located where the Jonesborough Road crosses over Camp Creek."

Land Records for Francis Hughes (1, 17)

  • 1778 Feb 25th Grant No. 379 300 acres on S. side of Nolichuckey River and on Camp Creek.
  • 1779 Jan 2nd Grant No. 94 100 acres on branch of Sinking Creek.
  • 1782 Oct 24th Grant No. 262 99 acres on Sinking Creek 50 shilling per 100 acres Watauga Bk. 252.
  • 1787 Aug 15th Deed Francis Hughes to Robert Wilsonpaid £50 VA currency 99 acres on waters of Sinking Creek. Original grant No.262. Patented at Fairfield Oct. 4th 1782.
  • 1790 Aug 3rd Deed Francis Hughes to Daniel Kennedy paid £530 VA currency, 300 acres on S. side of Nolachuckey river and on CampCreek. Original grant No. 379. Patented at Hillsborough Oct. 13th 1785.
  • 1790 Aug 3rd Deed William Caldwell to Francis Hughes paid £320 VA currency, 284 acres on S. side of Nolachuckey River and at mouth ofCamp Creek. Original Grant No. 549 to Robert Caldwell. Patented at Kingston Sept. 20th 1787.
  • 1790 Aug 3rd Deed Daniel Kennedy to Francis Hughes paid £550 VA currency. One 1/2 acre on Mill Fork of Big Limestone.Original Grant No. 325 to D Kennedy. Patented at Fairfield Oct 24th 1782.
  • Also Three 1/2 acres on same. Original grant No. 459 to D. Kennedy. Patented at Washington Co. Oct 30th 1783.
  • Also 120 acres on same. Original grant No. 388 to D. Kennedy. Patented at Hillsborough Oct 13th 1783.
  • 1792 Feb 2nd Deed Francis Hughes to Thomas Hardwick Paid £200 VA currency. 284 acres on S. side of Nolichuckey River and at mouth of Camp Creek. Original grant No. 349 to Robert Caldwell. Patented at Kingston Sept 20th 1787 (old stagecoach stop property).
  • 1792 Apr 2nd Deed Robert O'Neal to Francis Hughes. Paid £150 VA currency.?? acres on S. side of Nolichuckey River (Horse Creek)? Original Grant No. 710. Robert O'Neal patented at Kingston Oct 17th 1786.
  • 1792 Apr 2nd Deed Robert O'Neal to Francis Hughes. paid £583-6s-8p VA currency. 400 acres on Horse Creek. Adj to Nolichuckey River Incl Plantation. Oriiginal Grant No. 818 to Robert O'Neal Patented at Danbury Oct 5th 1790.
  • 1792 Sept 5th GrantFrancis Hughes 640 acres on Horse Creek and on S. side of Nolichuckey River on O'Neal's line.Original Grant No. 1115 to Francis Hughes. Patented at Newbern Jul 12th 1793. Book 6 p. 463.
  • 1794 Sept 24th Deed Francis Hughes to Martin Click paid £10 VA currency. 350 acres S. side of Nolichuckey River.

Francis Hughes died while residing with his daughter Margaret in Bledsoe County, Tennessee. His wife predeceased him. His living adult child became his heirs through a court deposition by John Hughes, Margaret Hughes, Ingabow Hughes Hixon, and Rebecca Hughes Hixon.

One would not expect to see the name of Hardeman Hughes in this list of heirs, since Hardeman died a few years prior to the death of his father, Francis Hughes. It is not known why Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes Miller was not an heir. Mary Ann may have been excluded from the deposition process as a half-sister, — or a possibly, as an alternate relationship, step-sister (i.e, the daughter of Elizabeth Long through a previous marriage). Or perhaps Mary Ann was living remotely without knowledge of the deposition. Or perhaps Mary Ann, like Hardeman, had died prior to the death of Francis Hughes. This bears further research.

"Francis Hughes did not leave a will. The document referred to as a will was actually a court declartion made by Francis' children. They went to court to swear that they were the only living, legal heirs in order to collect their father's pension. It is known that they did not include a half sister, Mary Ann (Polly) Hughes..."
— Jeanne Bowman Overbay, Feb. 26, 2000

John Hughes and Hardeman "Hardy" Hughes both settled in northern Hamilton County, Tennessee. They were close neighbors in the Bakewell and Sale Creek area. It seems they were close family, since the name of Hardy was passed on to a grandson of John.

Records from 1830 in Hamilton County, Tennessee, show that Hardy Hughes assigned 100 acres of land to John Hughes Junior.

If Hardeman is a surname that married into the Hughes or Allen lines, an instance of such marriage remains to be identified. What has been found, however, is documented service at the Battle of King's Mountain in the Revoutionary War for both Thomas Hardeman and Francis Hughes, father of Hardeman Hughes. Thomas Hardeman and his sons proved themeselves as leaders in both Tennessee and Texas, as in the passage below from Frances H. Casstevens' research. (15)

"Thomas Hardeman and wife Mary Harding Perkins moved to NC, the 'Watauga Country' in 1777. He fought at the Battle of King's Mountain, and was Capt. of a company that marched against the Cherokees in the Nicojack War of 1794.

"In 1783, the Hardemans moved to Davidson County, Tennessee to Hardeman's Crossroads near Nashville. In 1788 he served in the North Carolina House of Commons as a representative from Davidson County (now part of Tennessee). He was a member of the North Carolina Constitutional Convention and was a delegate to the Convention which adopted the first Constitution of Tennessee.

"He served as a Senator in the Tennessee General Assembly in 1797. For his Revolutionary War Service, Thomas received 640 acres on the Little Harpeth in Davidson County (in what was later part of Williamson County), Tennessee. His home was called "Sugar Hill" and was about 5 miles south of Franklin. He later moved to Missouri and remained until 1830, returned and died in Tennessee in 1833."

Hughes Generation 5

Margaret Hughes
d. aft. 1841, did not marry

John Hughes, son of Francis of King's Mountain
b. 1779
d. March 15, 1871, buried Gray Cemetery, Soddy-Daisy, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Jane Skiles abt. 1800, Tennessee
b. 1780 (13)
d. abt. 1869 (13)

  • Hezekiah Hughes
  • Francis Hughes
  • John Hughes, Jr.
  • Esther I. Hughes
  • Ephriam Hughes
  • William Hughes
  • Nancy Hughes
  • Margaret Hughes
  • Rebecca Hughes

John Wilson, a genealogical writer for the Chattanooga News Free Press wrote the following passage in an article on April 2, 1995. Per David M. Hughes (1)

"A Hamilton County lawsuit in 1880 tells of the objections that Francis Hughes had to his son's relations with Jane Skiles. They had two sons, Hezekiah and Francis (Frank), and were still unmarried. John Hughes left Greene County to head west, but he halted and wrote a letter to Jane Skiles, saying that despite his father's objections he would marry her if she would come to him. She did so and they were married on the Middle Cumberland at the home of a man named Hoover. They returned to Greene County, then pushed on to Hamilton County."

From a letter sent to Margie Shields by David Gray, per David M. Hughes (1)

"Old John Hughes and wife Elizabeth Skiles were married about 1800 at the Ford or Fork of Cumberland River at home of an Esq Whover. This is from depositions taken after death of John Hughes in about 1876 in attempts to settle his estate. He died intestate. One deposition said that 2 children (Hezakiah and Francis) were born to Jane Skiles before her marriage to John, but that he was the father of both and that old Francis objected to his marriage as he was only 19. Now further the depositions said that after birth of 2nd child he sent back to Greeneville for her and she joined him at Ford or Fork of Cumberland where they were married by Esq Whover...."

Information on the life of John Hughes shared by Kay White. (4)

"After being married in the home of a man on the Middle Cumberland, John and Jane returned to Greene County and then removed to Hamilton County, Tennessee. John had over 800 acres in the Bakewell, Tennessee, area. He took over a 640 acre tract at Opposum Creek that had been lost by Robert Patterson in litigation and finished paying for the land in 1830.

"He moved into the old home of Patterson, said to be the first residence built by a white settler in Hamilton County. This log home was sold in the 1870's to Absalom Selcer and was later occupied by his daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, Gilbert Vandergriff.

"John owned 14 slaves at the time of the 1840 census and in 1840 he sold a slave named Jane to Dr. William E. Kennedy of Chattanooga for $411 (the son of Allen Kennedy who was the son of Col. Daniel & Margaret (Hughes) Kennedy). He set up a burial ground on his property and the family followed the old Welch custom of erecting bench tombs over the crypts.

"He resided for many years before and after the Civil War on the north side of the old trace to Chickamauga Creek."

A memorial Headstone, placed by David H. Graves in 1988 in Gray Cemetery, Hamilton County, Tennessee, contains the following inscription. (13)

"In this cemetery lie the remains of John Hughes, Jane Skiles Hughes, and their daughter Nancy Hughes Hixson. Pioneer settler John Hughes founded the Bakewell Community and the original church and school He donated land for the church, the school, and the right of way for the Southern Railway through Bakewell."

Hughes Generation 6

Hezakiah Hughes
b. 1797
d. 1877

+ Elizabeth Click, daughter of Martin Click

  • Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes
  • William Hughes
  • Eliza Jane Hughes
  • Francis "Mountain" Hughes of Flat Top
  • John McKinney Hughes
  • Nancy Hughes
  • Rachel Hughes
  • Rebecca Hughes

Hughes Generation 7

Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes
d. Soddy, Tennessee, buried Wallace Cemetery, Soddy, Tennessee

+ Lewis Varner

  • Esther Varner
  • Belle Varner

William Hughes
b. abt. 1820
d. 1864

Eliza Jane Hughes
b. Aug. 1823, d. Nov. 17, 1856

Francis "Mountain" Hughes of Flat Top
b. 1824
d. abt. 1928, Flat Top Mountain, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Margaret Duff

  • Betty Hughes
  • Easter Hughes
  • John Hughes
  • Margaret Hughes
  • Nancy Hughes
  • Richard Hughes, + Rosa Green; their children: Annie Hughes, Ella Hughes
  • Sallie Hughes
  • Thomas Hughes
  • Tennessee Hughes

This Francis Hughes may appear in some records as "Mountain Francis" Hughes in order to disthinguish him from "Valley Francis" Hughes, who also lived in that region of Tennessee.

This profile of Francis Hughes was originally published in The Chattanooga Times. Although the date of publication was cut off from the source article, it was written by Clarence Cook with a copyright of 1926. Leo Hershfield's sketch of Francis Hughes accompanied this newspaper article.

"By the Cow Camp Waters of Opossum Creek, to the westward of the Spanish oak, in the township of Flat Top, in the month of December, 1824, was born Francis Hughes, centenarian patriarch of the mid-plateau country of Walden's Ridge.

"In the cabin of his father, by the laurel-shaded mountain stream, Francis Hughes dwelt for three-score and ten years. Here to Margaret Duff Hughes were born fourteen children, and today the names of more than 100 grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even unto the fifth generation, are recorded on the family scroll.

"Francis Hughes, of Flat Top, is a man of the mountains. His forehead records the grooves of the years; his body the strength of the oak, and his mind the accumulated knowledge of a vanished race.

"Philosopher and prophet, Francis Hughes is the living symbol of an age beyond memory's call, of a period when the proud Cherokee swarmed the hills, and to bring in the skin of an 800-pound bear was all in a day's work.

"Francis Hughes' rule of life is to do well the work of today, for in so living no fear exists for the morrow; to live moderately, avoid excesses in all things; to be tolerant and judge not lest ye be judged.

"Francis is a Methodist and a Whig. He says, 'Other folks call me a republican,' but, 'I'm a Whig, and I'm proud of it'.

"The centenarian of Flat Top is a lover of good horseflesh and for many years has raised blooded stock on his mountain pastures. Clothed in homespun garments made from the wool of the sheep of the plateau, Francis Hughes daily rides his roan over the mountains in the transaction of his business, and he sits on his horse like a man a quarter of his years.

"In the veins of Francis Hughes flows the blood of aristocratic England, of a 'younger son,' who settled first in Virginia, coming later to Kentucky and thence to the mountains of East Tennessee.

"The old home property of Francis Hughes is held under a grant from the state of Tennessee, authorized by the general assembly of 1825, and taken in the name of his father, John Hughes. These records are carefully preserved in the family archives and have been thoroughly gone over by the writer. The description of the property being set out in the grant as 'bounded on the north by a Spanish oak, on the Cow Camp Waters of Opossum Creek'."

Comments from Kay White, Feb. 12, 1999, regarding the newspaper profile of Francis Hughes:

"The info that I mentioned is from an article that I found in a Knoxville library file... It first appeared to me that Margaret Duff was the wife of Francis but, although I still 'think' so, after repeated reading, I can't be 100% certain that Cook wasn't referring to the mother of Francis.

"Cook refers to Francis as the 'centenarian patriarch of the mid-plateau country...' and there is no doubt that he is writing of [a] man who is living at the time -- Francis born in 1824, the copyright date of 1926, would put Francs at 102 years of age! Now, surely, there is more in Hamilton County about this fellow and his family.

"There is a 'stumbling block' to tying him to our Tennessee Hughes as Cook states: 'In the veins of Francis Hughes flows the blood of aristocratic England... Virginia, later to Kentucky...' I consider this only a 'flag' and see no reason why we should not pursue his ancestry....

"Interestingly, Allen Kennedy, the son of Margaret [Hughes] and Daniel [Kennedy], and his brother-in-law Rezin Rawlings, removed from Rhea Co. TN & settled in Chattanooga about 1837."

Further clarification by Jeanne Bowman Overbay, Feb. 26, 2000:

"The article quoted from the Chattanooga Times on Francis Hughes is referencing the Francis Hughes who is a son of Hezekiah Hughes and Elizabeth Click. His wife was Margaret Duff. There were at least three articles written about him in the local papers after he turned 100.

"He lived to be 104. He had a neice, Emma Bowman Harvey, who lived to be 106, and a great-nephew Ray Harvey, who is still alive today at the age of 101.) This Francis, along with many Hughes descendants are buried in the Bowman Cemetery in Bledsoe County on Flattop Mtn. in Tennessee. The cemetery was named after his brother-in-law, Henry Bowman, who is my great-grandfather."

John McKinney Hughes
b. 1827
d. 1875

+ unknown

  • Samuel Hughes, b. 1848
  • Margaret Hughes, b. 1850
  • Eliza Hughes, b. 1852

Nancy Hughes
b. 1830
d. Apr. 5, 1860, Hamilton County, Tennessee

Rachel Hughes
b. 1830
d. 1914

Rebecca Hughes
b. Oct. 26, 1835
d. June 28, 1918

Hughes Generation 6 cont.

Francis Hughes, son of John, son of Francis of King's Mountain
b. 1800, Greene County, Tennessee
d. Nov. 7, 1856

+ Temperance Lassiter, abt. 1820, daughter of a French barge trader on the Tennessee River. (1)

John Hughes, Jr.
b. abt. 1805, Tennessee (33)
d. abt. 1870

+ Rebecca Lassiter, daughter of a French barge trader on the Tennessee River. (1)
b. abt. 1817, Tennessee (33)

  • William Hughes
  • Hezekiah Hughes
  • Francis "Valley" Hughes
  • Hardy Hughes
  • Ephraim Hughes
  • Nancy Hughes
  • John Hughes
  • Burrell Hughes
  • Samuel Hughes

Hughes Generation 7

William Hughes
b. betw. 1830-1840

William Hughes is not listed in the 1850 census for Bledsoe County, Tennessee, household of John Hughes. One might assume he had left that household as a young adult at that time.

Hezekiah Hughes
b. 1833, Tennessee (33)

Hezekiah was listed in the 1850 as Izakiah Hughs.

Francis "Valley" Hughes
b. abt. 1834, Tennessee (33)
d. 1916, Bakewell, Hamilton County, Tennessee

Leticia Allen, daughter of James Allen and Rebecca Hughes

  • Mary Hughes
  • Nancy Hughes, b. 1860
  • Elizabeth Hughes, b. abt. 1863
  • John Hughes, b. 1865
  • Hardy Hughes, b. abt. 1870
  • Temperance "Tempie" Hughes, b. 1878
  • Sallie Hughes, b. 1882
  • Ella Hughes, b. 1884

This Francis Hughes was called "Valley Francis" by the family to distinguish him from another Francis Hughes (Mountain Francis"), who also lived in that region of Tennessee.

Hardy Hughes
b. 1839, Tennessee (33)
d. 1939, Soddy, Tennessee

Ephraim Hughes
b. 1841, Tennessee (33)

Nancy Hughes
b. 1844, Tennessee (33)

John Hughes
b. 1846, Tennessee (33)

Burrell Hughes
b. Jan. 29, 1849, Tennessee (33)
d. Mar. 4, 1915

Samuel Hughes
b. 1852
d. 1916, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Hughes Generation 6 cont.

Esther I. Hughes
b. June 17, 1807, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. Mar. 17, 1917, Jasper, Marion County, Tennessee

Ephriam Hughes
b. 1810, Tennessee (34)
d. abt. 1864, Tennessee

+ Margaret Lassiter (34)
b. 1810, Tennessee

  • John Hughes

The household for Ephraim Hughes, per the 1860 census of Hamilton County, Tennessee (34), included Ephraim and Margaret, both age 50, and Margaret Allen, f. age 14.

Hughes Generation 7

John Hughes
b. abt. 1832, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Mary Jane Lovelady, betw. 1842-1846, daughter of Gideon Lovelady and Easter Varner

  • William Ephraim Hughes, b. Feb. 13, 1855, Hamilton County, Tennessee, d. Apr. 21, 1937, buried Peavine Cemetery, Rock Spring, Walker County, Georgia; + Mary Emiline Cranmore, July 25, 1878, Hamilton County, Tennessee, b. Oct. 1860, Hamilton County, Tennessee, d. Aug. 30, 1930, Ringgold, Catoosa, Georgia, daughter of Josiah Cranmore and Rebecca.
  • Esther Isabella Hughes, b. June 17, 1857
  • Gideon Francis Hughes, n. 1860, Hamilton County, Tennessee
  • John Hughes, b. abt. 1861

Hughes Generation 6 cont.

William Hughes
b. 1814
d. abt. 1872

+ Delight Lassiter, daughter of a French barge trader on the Tennessee River and a Cherokee mother. (1)

Nancy Hughes
b. 1817
d. Oct. 1891

+ Wilson Hixson

Margaret Hughes
b. 1818

+ Early Heard

Rebecca Hughes
d. 1864, Alabama

+ James Allen

  • Leticia Allen, b. 1838, d. 1923, + Francis "Valley" Hughes
  • Ingabo Allen, b. 1840
  • Rebecca Allen, b. 1842
  • Margaret Allen, b. 1845

Hughes Generation 5 cont.

Rebecca Hughes
b. abt. 1779
d. aft. 1841

+ Timothy Springfield Hixson, Feb. 3, 1795, Greene County, Tennessee, son of Joseph Hixson and Susannah Springfield
b. 1775, Greene County, Tennessee

  • Ephraim Hixson
  • Sarah Hixson
  • Joseph Hixson
  • Col. Anderson Hixson
  • Houston Hixson
  • Margaret Hixson
  • Reuben Hixson
  • Rebecca Hixson

Ingebo Hughes
b. abt. 1779
d. aft. 1841, possibly June 6, 1859, buried Hughes Cemetery, Bledsoe County, Tennessee

+ 1) John Johnson, Sept. 6, 1789, Greene County, Tennessee

+ 2) William Hixson, Oct. 31, 1791, Greene County, Tennessee
b. abt. 1770
d. bef. Aug. 4, 1827, Bledsoe County, Tennessee

  • William Hixson
  • Ingola "Engie" Hixson
  • Nancy Hixson
  • Joseph Hughes Hixson
  • John Hixson

Clarissa (Claresy) Hughes
b. abt. 1760-70
d. probably bef. 1841, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ John Lovelady II
b. abt. 1760
d. bef. 1830

  • John Lovelady III
  • Rebecca Lovelady
  • Pleasant Lovelady
  • Sarah Lovelady
  • Eleanor Lovelady
  • Sevier Lovelady
  • Ingebo Lovelady
  • Gideon Lovelady
  • George Lovelady
  • William McKinney Lovelady
  • Henry Lovelady

Hardeman "Hardy" Hughes
b. 1770-1780
d. 1830-1840, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Sinthia Cook, Feb. 27, 1799, Grainger County, Tennessee, (12) bondsman was George Smith, who married Sinthia's sister, Patsy. Sinthia is said to be daughter of Thomas Cooke b. 1720 Glouchester, Virginia, and Barbara Camp b. 1730 Glouchester, Virginia
d. before 1830 census

  • Daughter, name unknown
  • William Hughes
  • George Hughes
  • Hardy Hughes
  • Thomas Jefferson Hughes

Records from 1830 in Hamilton County, Tennessee, show that Hardy Hughes assigned 100 acres of land to John Hughes, Junior.

1830 Federal Census, Hamilton County, Tennessee (11)

Hardy Hughs, head of household #226 (next door to the household of his adult son, George Hughes)
1 m 10-15, 1 m 15-20, 1 m 50-60; 1 f 20-30

Hughes Generation 6

Daughter, name unknown
b. 1800-1810

William Hughes
b. abt. 1805, Rhea County, Tennessee (now part of Hamilton County, Tennessee)
d. aft. 1860

+ Mathilda Clingman, bef. 1825, Tennessee
b. abt. 1805, Tennessee
d. aft. 1880, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

William Hughes was a blacksmith. He moved to Clark County, Arkansas, between 1840 and 1850. William Hughes fought in the Civil War for the Union. It's not known if his death in the early 1860s was a casualty of the war.

Matilda Clingman Hughes spent the last years of her life living in the household of her son, General Marion Hughes.

1830 Federal Census, Hamilton County, Tennessee, page 84 (19)

Household of William Hughs: 3 males under 5 (James H., Alexander Hardy, and Edward Clingman Hughes), 1 male 5-10 (unknown), 1 male 20-30; 1 female 20-30

1840 Federal Census, Hamilton County, Tennessee, page 148 (18)

Household of Wm Hughes: 2 males under 5 (Andrew Jackson and George Washington Hughes), 2 males 5-10 (William A. and General Marion Hughes) 3 males 10-15 (James H., Alexander Hardy, and Edward Clingman Hughes), 1 male 30-40; 1 female under 5 (Cynthia Ann Hughes), 1 female 5-10 (Janet Hughes), 1 female 30-40

1850 Federal Census, Cedar Township, Clark County, Arkansas, household 94, line number 3 (17)

William Hughes, m. age 45, b. Tennessee
Matilda Hughes, f. age 45, b. Tennessee
Jennet Hughes, f. age 18, b. Tennessee
General M. Hughes, m. age 16, b. Tennessee
George W. Hughes, m. age 14, b. Tennessee
Andrew I. Hughes, m. age 14, b. Tennessee
Cynthia A. Hughes, f. age 12, b. Tennessee
Caroline Hughes, f. age 9, b. Tennessee
Thomas Hughes, m. age 5, b. Tennessee

Hughes Generation 7

James H. Hughes
b. 1825

Alexander Hardy Hughes
b. 1828, Tennessee
d. July 7, 1858, Clark County, Arkansas

+ Leannah Allen, Dec. 26, 1849, Clark County, Arkansas
b. abt. 1830, Clark County, Arkansas

Alexander Hardy Hughes became Hardy Alexander Hughes, per legal papers which he signed after he married Leannah Allen. (2)

Alexander Hardy Hughes was murdered, and his small son, James Edward, age abt. 7 years and present at the scene of the crime, was left alive. (2)

"Family stories tell of him and his son, James Edward, running into soldiers one day. The soldiers told them they would let them live if they could swim the river before they counted ten. Alexander didn't make it and was killed. His son saw him die."
— Linda Meeks, Sept. 16, 1999

1850 Federal Census, Tucker Township, Clark County, Arkansas. Hardy Hughes and his wife Leanah are living in the household of Leanah's older brother, John K. Allen. (31)

John K. Allen, head of household, M 37 b TN
Malinda Allen, F 20 b AL
Palina Allen, F 2 b AR
John Allen, M 3/12 b AR
Hardy Hughes, M 22 b TN
Leanah Hughes, F 18 b AR
Sarah Blakely, F 15 b AR

Hughes Generation 8

James Edward Hughes
b. June 2, 1851, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 11, 1926, Whelen Springs, Arkansas

+ 1) Susan McGraw, May 27, 1869, Clark County, Arkansas
b. Jan. 12, 1851, Nashville, Tennessee
d. Mar. 19, 1899, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Leanna Jane Hughes
  • Dora Hughes
  • James Hardy Hughes
  • Sarah Elizabeth Hughes
  • William Columbus Hughes
  • George Washington Hughes
  • Joseph Alexander Hughes
  • John Henry Hughes (19)
  • Martha Susan Hughes
  • Carrie E. Hughes
  • Jeanette Hughes
  • Jeanine Hughes

+ 2) Sarah Ann McGraw Jackson, sister of Susan McGaw, James Edward Hughes' first wife, Oct. 11, 1899, Pike County, Arkansas
b. Mar. 1856, Tennessee [documented at age 5 in 1860 census]

Sarah McGraw's prior marriage

Sarah Ann McGraw had previously been married in Tennessee. Her husband had quite a long name: Frances Marion Benjamin Franklin Jackson. He and Sarah Ann were the parents of Dovie Jackson, who in 1919 married George Washington Montgomery, son of David Reed Montgomery and Milly Melissa Carter.

Hughes Generation 9

Leanna Jane Hughes
b. 1870

Dora Hughes
b. Feb. 3, 1872

James Hardy Hughes
b. Apr. 2, 1874

+ Dovie Davis

  • John Kenton Hughes

Sarah Elizabeth Hughes
b. Oct. 2, 1876, Clark County, Arkansas
d. abt. 1906, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ William A. Dunn
b. Jan. 3, 1875

  • James Clifton Dunn
  • Bertha Dunn

James Clifton Dunn and Bertha Dunn lived in the household of Sallie M. Allen Nichols, with Sallie's mother, Leannah Holly Allen Adams, per the 1910 census for Clark County, Arkansas, sheet 6B, family #74.

William Columbus Hughes
b. Jan. 21, 1879
d. Dec. 18, 1954, buried DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas (30)

+ Dovie Prince, daughter of S. R. Prince
b. Oct. 18, 1882, Pike County, Arkansas
d. July 11, 1941, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Susie Hughes
  • James Hardy Hughes
  • Versie (Vessie) Hughes
  • Marion Hughes
  • Oma Delania Hughes

Hughes Generation 10

Susie E. Hughes
b. Feb. 11, 1901, Arkansas
d. Dec. 29, 1974, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Almond

  • Richard Almond

James Henry Hughes
b. Nov. 29, 1904
d. July 17, 1949, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas

+ Jessie Virginia Miller, 1924, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas
b. abt. 1905, Arkansas

  • Virgil Hughes
  • William Gilbert Hughes
  • Cecil D. Hughes
  • Pauline Hughes
  • Thelma Jean Hughes
  • Floy Mae Hughes
  • Virginia Hughes
  • Hansel Hughes
  • Clyde Hughes
  • Wendell Ray Hughes
  • Claude Hughes
  • Billie Maxine Hughes
  • Blanche Marie Hughes
  • Wilma Lee Hughes
  • Polly Hughes

Hughes Generation 11

Virgil Hughes
b. abt. 1925, Arkansas

William Gilbert Hughes
b. June 25, 1925, Arkansas

+ Rosalie Betsy Ross, Feb. 4, 1946, Garland County, Arkansas
b. 1925

Cecil D. Hughes
b. Mar. 4, 1927, Arkansas
d. Oct. 11, 1989, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas

+ Helen Louise George, May 6, 1950, daughter of Henry E. George and Virginia A. Glenn
b. Feb. 12, 1933

  • Glenda Hughes, + Richardson
  • Linda (twin sister of Glenda), died at 18 months from complications from birth defects
  • Sharon Hughes, + McMahan
  • Robbie Hughes

World War II

"My grandpa, Cecil D Hughes, went in the Navy on Feb. 5, 1944, and was discharged with honors on May 4, 1946. He was a seaman first class. When he was in Asiatic Pacific, he received three stars and when he was in Philippine Liberation he received one star. He was in Pearl Harbor and fought in action."
— Cecilia Hanson, Jan. 13, 2004

Pauline Hughes
b. abt. 1928-1929, Arkansas

Thelma Jean Hughes
b. abt. 1930, Arkansas

Floy Mae Hughes
b. abt. 1931, Arkansas

Virginia Hughes
b. abt. 1932, Arkansas

Hansel Hughes
b. abt. 1934, Arkansas

Clyde Hughes
b. abt. 1935, Arkansas

Wendell Ray Hughes
b. abt. 1936, Arkansas
d. July 2, 2016 35

Claude Hughes
b. abt. 1937, Arkansas

Billie Maxine Hughes
b. abt. 1938, Arkansas

Blanche Marie Hughes
b. abt. 1939, Arkansas

Wilma Lee Hughes
b. abt. 1940, Arkansas

Polly Hughes
b. aft. 1940

Hughes Generation 10 cont.

Versie (Vessie) Hughes
b. Mar. 10, 1907, Arkansas
d. Jan. 19, 1980, buried DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Houston M. Miller
b. abt. 1901

Marion Hughes
b. abt. 1911

Oma Delania Hughes
b. Aug. 12, 1914
d. Oct. 22, 1936

+ Howard Franklin Matlock, Oma's 3rd cousin — both were descendants of William Hughes, b. 1805

Hughes Generation 9 cont.

George Washington Hughes
b. May 17, 1881

Joseph Alexander Hughes
b. May 28, 1883

John Henry Hughes
b. Feb/ 11. 1886

Martha Susan Hughes
b. Jan. 23, 1887

Carrie E. Hughes
b. June 1891, Hot Spring COunty, Arkansas

+ Wade Copelin, Apr. 11, 1908

Jeanette Hughes
b. 1893, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Jeanine Hughes
b. 1895, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Hughes Generation 8 cont.

Sarah "Sallie" Mathilda Hughes
b. Mar. 7, 1854
d. Oct. 1, 1934; buried row 11, DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ 1) Daniel Head Nichols
b. Feb. 22, 1855, Ashville, St. Clair County, Alabama
d. Sep. 29, 1898; buried row 11, DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ 2) Pinkney Ervin Nichols, older brother of Daniel H. Nichols, Sep. 22, 1917
b. 1851, Ashville, St. Clair County, Alabama
d. 1933; buried row 11, DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

1860 Federal Census, Caddo Township, Clark County, Arkansas, Household 416, page 59 (32)

Leaner Hughes, F age 30 b. AR
James E. Hughes, M age 9 b. AR
Sarah M. Hughes, F age 5 b. AR

Hughes Generation 7 cont.

Edward Clingman Hughes
b. May 15, 1826, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. Oct. 16, 1870, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Tabitha Caroline Bray, Oct. 30, 1856, Hot Spring County, Arkansas (21)
b. April 8, 1837, Henderson County, Tennessee
d. Jan. 10, 1926, Donaldson, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Hettie Mathilda Hughes
  • Cynthia Pearl Hughes
  • Sarah Jane Hughes
  • Mary Elizabeth Hughes
  • William Sherman Hughes
  • Caswell Green Hughes

Edward Hughes fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. An orphan boarder helped manage Edward's farm during and immediately after the war. Edward's household in 1870 census lists this orphan as "Robert W. Ore", age 17. This Robert W. Orr married Tabitha Bray Hughes after the death of Edward C. Hughes.

1860 Federal Census, Cedar Township, Clark County, Arkansas (22)

Edwin E Hughes, m. age 34, b. Tennessee
Thelitha C Hughes, f. age 23, b. Tennessee
Aletha Matilda Hughes, f. age 3, b. Arkansas
Cintha P Hughes, f. age 1, b. Arkansas
W J Happer, m. age 18, b. Arkansas

1870 Federal Census, Cedar Township, Clark County, Arkansas (20)

Ed C Hughes, m. age 44, farmer, b. Tennessee
T C Hughes, f. age 34, keeping house, b. Tennessee
H M Hughes, f. age 12, at school, b. Arkansas
Sarah J Hughes, f. age 8, b. Arkansas
Mary E Hughes, f. age 6, b. Arkansas
William H Hughes, m. age 3, b. Arkansas
Caswell G Hughes, m. age 1, b. Arkansas
Robt W Ore, m. age 17, at school, b. Mississippi

Narrative of Joseph Austin Fenter (28)

"My mother [Sarah Jane Hughes Mann Fenter] was the daughter of Edward C. Hughes and Tabitha Caroline Bray Hughes. She remembered when her father returned from the War in 1865.... She said that they had been looking for him for quite a while, and they saw him a long way off, coming at a slow pace, for he had walked from Little Rock, about 60 miles away, and he had carried his belongings. She said he sat on the front porch and cried and told them that the South was bankrupt. Confederate money was almost worthless, and he said they would have to start life all over."

Hughes Generation 8

Hettie Mathilda Hughes
b. Sept. 1857, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 15, 1929, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, buried DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Richard B. Hardage, Dec. 20, 1871, DeRoche, Hot Spring Co AR, youngest son of William Thomas Hardage b. Apr. 8, 1811, Lincoln County, Tennessee, and his wife Martha Cain, born abt. 1813 in Kentucky, who were married Dec. 24, 1831, Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tennessee
b. Mar. 3, 1852, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 11, 1934; buried DeRoche Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • William Cornelius Hardage
  • Thomas E. Hardage
  • Joseph Madison Hardage
  • Sherman Baxter Hardage
  • John Clem Hardage
  • Dale Hardage
  • Harrison Cain Hardage
  • Martha C. Hardage
  • Sarah Elizabeth Hardage
  • Caswell Garland Hardage
  • Tee Hardage
  • Alpha Florence Hardage
  • J. D. Hardage
  • Ida M. Hardage

Cynthia Pearl Hughes
b. abt. 1859, Clark County, Arkansas
d. abt. 1861, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Sarah Jane Hughes
b. June 15, 1861, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 4, 1938, Elk City, Beckham County, Oklahoma

+ 1) Charles Mann, May 11, 1876, Clark County,Arkansas
b. 1856 d. 1877, Clark County, Arkansas

  • Charlie Florence Mann, b. Dec. 28, 1877, Clark County, Arkansas, d. Mar. 4, 1965, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Will Blackman

+ 2) Joseph Washington Fenter, Sep. 14, 1879, Clark County, Arkansas
b. July 13, 1861, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 11, 1915, Beckham County, Oklahoma

  • James Lewis Fenter, b. Apr. 7, 1880, Beckham County, Oklahoma, a Baptist preacher, d. Jan. 4, 1933, Pushmatha County, Oklahoma, death from murder
  • Generva A. Fenter, b. June 11, 1880, Clark County, Arkansas, d. Jan. 27, 1970, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + David Milburn
  • William Walter Fenter, b. Feb. 13, 1882, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. Feb. 13, 1961, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Frances Harris
  • Joseph Austin Fenter, b. Nov. 27, 1883, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. Jan. 3, 1967, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Vera Brumley
  • Mary Jeanetta Fenter, b. Jan. 16, 1886, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. May 2, 1974, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Odum Shields
  • Tabitha Adele Fenter, b. July 11, 1890, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. Dec. 6, 1976, Beckham, County, Oklahoma; + (first name unknown) Jones
  • Maudie Malinda Fenter, b. Sep. 15, 1892, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. July 28, 1893, Beckham County, Oklahoma
  • Carrie Cordelia Fenter, b. May 27, 1894, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. Apr. 16, 1985, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Joe Thomas
  • Francis Jane Fenter, b. Aug. 21, 1896, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. Apr. 5, 1976, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + John Lewis
  • Gracye Gladis Fenter, b. Aug. 27, 1898, Beckham County, Oklahoma; + Otils Thomas
  • John Millard Fenter, b. June 1, 1900, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. May 31, 1933; + Verna Williams, Nov. 14, 1919, Oklahoma
  • Clarence Monroe Fenter, b. Nov. 4, 1902, Beckham County, Oklahoma, d. Nov. 9, 1902, Beckham County, Oklahoma

Mary Elizabeth Hughes
b. Aug. 1863, Clark County, Arkansas
d. 1921, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

William Sherman Hughes
b. Oct. 15, 1867, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 18, 1938, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Neighbours Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Amy Catherine Caldwell, Nov. 7, 1883, Clark County, Arkansas
b. Apr. 18, 1868, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Mar. 18, 1947, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Neighbours Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Ida Penelope Hughes
  • Charles Monroe Hughes
  • Samuel Hughes
  • James Calvin Hughes
  • Sarah Catherine Hughes
  • Carrie Octavia Hughes
  • Nell Elizabeth Hughes
  • Elmo Rush Hughes

Hughes Generation 9

Ida Penelope Hughes
b. Nov. 18, 1884, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 27, 1975, New Orleans, Louisiana, buried Neighbors Cemtery, Hot Spring Co AR

+ James Monroe Montgomery, son of David Reed Montgomery and Milly Melissa Orr

  • Irene Montgomery, + Ragan

Charles Monroe Hughes
b. May 2, 1887, DeRoches, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Sep. 29, 1968, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Neighbours Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Katie Belle Montgomery, May 1, 1905, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
b. Sep. 12, 1888, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. May 3, 1963, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas

  • Doyle Murphy Hughes
  • Vance Monroe Hughes
  • Hancel David Hughes
  • Charles Myron Hughes
  • Mary Jane Hughes
  • Ralph Coolidge Hughes

Charles Monroe Hughes was a school teacher. Katie Belle Montgomery Hughes died in a car wreck — she and Charles had been out for dinner to celebrate his birthday.

Hughes Generation 10

Doyle Murphy Hughes
b. July 2, 1905, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 2, 1976, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas

+ Ada Josephine Griggs, Sep. 20, 1927, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
b. Aug. 6, 1908, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Myrna Loy Hughes
  • Doyle Murphy Hughes, Jr.

Hughes Generation 11

Myrna Loy Hughes
b. Aug. 13, 1929, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Sep. 22, 1935, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Doyle Murphy Hughes, Jr.
b. Sep. 12, 1942, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Helen Dennis Craddock, Nov. 20, 1970, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland

  • Karen Elaine Hughes
  • Laura Dianne Hughes

Doyle Murphy Hughes, Jr. served with the U.S. Navy from 1967-74 (active), 1974-90 (reserve).

Hughes Generation 10 cont.

Vance Monroe Hughes
b. Oct. 25, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 24, 1962, Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas

+ 1) Seo Williams, Arkansas

+ 2) Mildred Barber, Arkansas

Hancel David Hughes
b. July 14, 1909, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 12, 1979, Pulaski County, Arkansas; buried Arkadelphia, Arkansas

+ A. B. Cash, Nov. 30, 1928, Donaldson, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, sister of Lillian Cash, wife of Lacy Orr)

Charles Myron Hughes
b. Mar. 16, 1912, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Oct. 5, 1990, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Janetta Mae Runyan, Oct. 5, 1942, Washington, D.C.

Charles Myron Hughes was a school teacher.

Mary Jane Hughes
b. Aug. 21, 1917, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. July 19, 1985, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama

+ Winston Freeland Glaze

Mary Jane Hughes died while having exploratory heart surgery.

Ralph Coolidge Hughes
b. Sep. 5, 1923, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. 1997

+ Catherine Raeburn, Aug. 24, 1948, Griffithville, White Co AR

Ralph Coolidge Hughes was a school teacher, Van Buren, Arkansas.

Hughes Generation 9 cont.

Samuel Hughes
b. abt. 1889, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Clark County, Arkansas; buried DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

James Calvin Hughes
b. Dec. 30, 1891, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 28, 1982, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas

Grace Agnes Nix, Nov. 19, 1912, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Sarah Catherine Hughes
b. Mar. 9, 1794, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Apr. 4, 1981, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Neighbours Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Hardy Buck, Oct. 20, 1917, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Pauline Buck
  • Lucille Buck
  • Dorothy Mae BUck
  • Lilian Buck
  • Hardy Buck
  • John W. Buck, b. 1928, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Carrie Octavia Hughes
b. Sep. 11, 1896, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 11, 1988, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Neighbours Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ John Wiley Nix, Mar. 19, 1923, Donaldson, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Nell Elizabeth Hughes
b. Feb. 22, 1899, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 12, 1963, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Shadowlawn Cemterery, Hot Sping County, Arkansas

+ Archie Cash, Mar. 19, 1917, Midway, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Elmo Rush Hughes
b. Aug. 2, 1904, Donaldson, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 10, 1981, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas; buried Shadowlawn Cemterery, Hot Sping County, Arkansas

+ Mary Amelia McKinley, Arkansas

Hughes Generation 8 cont.

Caswell Greene (Gee) Hughes
b. Sep. 10, 1868, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 30, 1943, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; buried Shadowlawn Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ 1) Susan Elizabeth Ann Fenter, Oct. 23, 1887
b. July 3, 1873, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 18, 1931, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, buried Shadowlawn Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Albert Hughes
  • Baxter Hughes
  • Hettie Belle Hughes

+ 2) Nelia Burch, Aug. 27, 1939, Garland County, Arkansas

  • James Walter Hughes
  • Florence Jeanetta Hughes
  • Tabitha Elizabeth (Bytha) Hughes

Hughes Generation 9

Albert R. Hughes
b. Nov. 28, 1881
d. July 28, 1960, buried DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Baxter Hughes
b. Sep. 10, 1885

World War I draft registration from Okmulgee County, Oklahoma

Hettie Belle Hughes
b. 1891, Arkansas
d. Dec. 6, 1934, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Jesse D. Gill
b. 1889
d. 1924

  • James Earl Gill

James Walter Hughes
b. Apr. 18, 1893, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. July 6, 1967, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Lola Mae Gill
b. 1895
d. Aug. 9, 1978

  • James Walter (Buddy) Hughes, b. Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Van William Hughes, b. Aug. 8, 1916, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Elwin C. Hughes, b. 1918, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Martha Emogene Hughes, b. May 20, 1927, Hot Spring County, ArkansasR

Florence Jeanetta Hughes
b. Apr. 18, 1893, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Mar. 27, 1981, Saline County, Arkansas buried Oakridge Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ William Edward Russell, + Mar. 12, 1911, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Hazel Lorene Russell, b. Mar. 12, 1912, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Tabitha Elizabeth (Bytha) Hughes
b. 1903, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Hughes Generation 7 cont.

William A. Hughes
b. abt 1831 or 1833, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. April 10, 1895

+ 1) Mary A. Moore, Arkansas, bef. census of 1860
b. abt. 1842, Mississippi

  • Marion Hughes, b. 1867, Arkansas
  • William T. J. Hughes, b. Aug. 1869, Arkansas

+ 2) Mary C. Brooks, Feb. 22, 1878, Hot Spring County, Arkansas (26)
b. 1850

William A. Hughes by trade was a blacksmith.

William's 1860 household included a four year old girl named Wiley C. Orr.

Her place in the Orr tree is unknown. One wonders if she were related to Robert Orr, who lived in 1870 in the household of William Hughes' brother, Edward C. Hughes. One also might wonder if William's first wife was Mary Orr, not Mary Moore, and if Wiley Orr was a younger sister of Mary.

1860 Federal Census, Anteor Township, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, household 142, page 17 (24)

William Hughes, m. age 27, b. Tennessee
Mary A. Hughes, f. age 18, b. Mississippi
Wiley C. Orr, f. age 4, b. Mississippi

1870 Federal Census, Cedar Township, Clark County, Arkansas, household 114, page 16 (25)

William A. Hughes, m. age 39, b. Tennessee
Mary A. Hughes, f. age 28, b. Tennessee
Marion Hughes, m. age 3, b. Arkansas
William T. J. Hughes, age 10 months, b. Arkansas

Janet Hughes
b. abt 1832-1833, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ William Lookadoo, Feb. 23, 1851, Clark County, Arkansas (27)
b. abt. 1830

General Richard Marion Hughes
b. June 19, 1834, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. abt. March 1914

+ 1) Mary Elizabeth Magby, Sep. 17, 1851, Clark County, Arkansas, daughter of John Alexander Magby (b. abt. 1863, Alabama) and Francis C. Sullivan (b. abt. 1860, South Carolina, d. abt. 1860, Clark County, Arkansas)
b. abt. 1834, Alabama
d. Aug. 3, 1887, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • William Marion Hughes
  • Matilda Hughes *
  • Andrew Jackson Hughes
  • G. I. Hughes *
  • Hardy Andrew Hughs
  • Mary E. Hughes *
  • Frances Caroline Hughes
  • Synthia Jane Hughes
  • John H. Hughes
  • Malinda Hughes
  • James Hardy Hughes
  • Julia Hughes
  • Thomas Warner Hughes

* Not included in household of 1880 census

1880 Federal Census, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, household 11621614, page 535A (28)

Marion Hughs, head of household, m. age 46, b. Tennessee
Mary E. Hughs, wife, f. age 46, b. Alabama
Andrew Hughs, son, m. age 22, b. Arkansas
Hardy Hughs, son, m. age 22, b. Arkansas
Francis Hughs, daughter, f. age 18, b. Arkansas
Jane Hughs, daughter, f. age 14, b. Arkansas
John Hughs, son, m. age 12, b. Arkansas
Malinda Hguhs, daughter, f. age 9, b. Arkansas
James Hughs, son, m. age 7, b. Arkansas
Julia Hughs, daughter, f. age 5, b. Arkansas
Thomas Hughs, son, m. age 3, b. Arkansas
Matilda Hughs, mother, f. age 74, b. Tennessee

Hughes Generation 8

William Marion Hughes
b. Aug. 9, 1855, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Feb. 11, 1912, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, buried Forest Hill Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ 1) Amy Jane Diffee, Sep. 4, 1874, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, daughter of Jonathan Diffee and Mary Shuffield
b. Nov. 6, 1849, Cedar Township, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 8, 1905, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Mary Jane Hughes
  • General William Henry Hughes
  • Andrew Hardy Hughes
  • James Wiley Hughes
  • Thomas Jefferson Hughes
  • Millie Isabell Hughes
  • Newman Henderson Hughes
  • Jonathan Isom Hughes, a twin
  • Joseph Ecem Hughes, a twin
  • Conrad Raymond Hughes

+ 2) Dora Cheeves, Nov. 4, 1909, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, daughter of John Cheeves and Roxie Vaughn

  • William Raymond Hughes

Hughes Generation 9

Mary Jane Hughes
b. June 28, 1875, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 15, 1966, Murfreesboro, Pike County, Arkansas

+ William Clark Garner, Dec. 5, 1907, Hot Springs, Arkansas

  • Amy Jeanette Gardner, b. Nov. 4, 1908, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • William Henry Gardner, b. Feb. 14, 1910, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. 1994, Maryland
  • Conway Gardner, b. July 16, 1911, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. July 28, 1912, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Truman Gardner, b. Aug. 28, 1913, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. July 17, 1914
  • Deane Belle Gardner, b. June 24, 1915, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

General William Henry Hughes
b. May 29, 1877, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 12, 1900, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, buried Forest Hill Cemetery

+ Carrie Holder
b. Mar. 1879
d. Apr. 8, 1900

Andrew Hardy Hughes
b. Dec. 18, 1879, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Mar. 28, 1957, Wichita Falls, Texas, buried Burkbernett Cemetery, Wichita Falls, Texas

+ Emma Etta Tisdale, July 5, 1900, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Oma Elmer Hughes
  • Henry Franklin Hughes
  • Ala Belle Hughes
  • Minnie Mae Hughes
  • Arthur Conway Hughes

Hughes Generation 10

Oma Elmer Hughes
b. July 16, 1901, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Apr. 9, 1980, Bremerton, Washington

+ Ida Eldridge Babbett, Jul. 15, 1923, Wichita Fallas, Texas

  • Emma Jean Hughes, b. Aug. 11, 1924, Wichita Falls, Texas; + Robert Mitchel Lamb June 16, 1945, San Marcos, Texas
  • Oma Elmer Hughes Jr., b. Sep. 17, 1926, Wichita Falls, Texas; + Karlene Marie Hayes, Nov. 22, 1963, Tacoma, Washington; their children: Jenny Marie Hughes, b. June 11, 1964, Tacoma, Washington; Kenneth William Hughes, b. Oct. 4, 1966, Tacoma, Washington
  • Doris Melvina Hughes, b. October 23, 1928, Wichita Falls, Texas; + 1) unknown, + 2) Frederick T. Morton, May 27, 1961, Tacoma, Washington

Henry Franklin Hughes
b. Dec. 28, 1904, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 19, 1976, Seattle, Washington

+ Vivian Leatherman

  • Bruce Erwin Hughes, b. Oct. 1, 1952, Seattle, Washington

Ala Belle Hughes
d. Jun. 18, 1973, Burkburnette, Texas

+ George U. Minnick

  • James Earl Minnick

Minnie Mae Hughes
b. July 3, 1910
d. Apr. 28, 1928, Wichita Falls, Texas

Arthur Conway Hughes
b. Feb. 12, 1919, Wichita Falls, Texas
D. Feb. 23, 1977, Bremerton, Washington

+ Verna Oleta Huffines, Sep. 8, 1940, Wichita Falls, Texas

  • James Andrew Hughes, b. Aug. 8, 1947, Wichita Falls, Texas; +LaDanna Gail Peterson, Oct. 8, 1965, Bremerton, Washington, b. Jan. 28, 1947, Bremerton, Washington; their children: Troy Hughes, b. Dec. 11, 1973, Boise, Idaho, Todd Hughes, b. Jan. 20, 1977, Tacoma, Washington
  • Mary Beverly Hughes, b. May 10, 1950; + 1) Ernest Sullivan, +2) Unknown Stout

Hughes Generation 9 cont.

James Wiley Hughes
b. Nov. 12, 1881, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. June 21, 1961, Tucson, Arizona

+ Ophia Neil Moore, Feb. 4, 1906

  • Vernon Hughes, b. abt. Dec. 29, 1904, Amity, Clark County, Arkansas, d. May 1983, Detroit, Michigan
  • Clarence E. Hughes, b. 1911, d. 1921
  • Willie Jo Hughes, b. Dec. 27, 1914, Amity, Clark County, Arkansas
  • Ida Faye Hughes, b. Apr. 13, 1920, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • James Harold Hughes, b. May 27, 1924

Thomas Jefferson Hughes
b. Sep. 15, 1883, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 28, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Dora Bell Whitfield, betw. Oct. 23-29, 1904, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Pearlie May Hughes, b. Aug. 8, 1905, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. Apr. 1997, Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Vertus William Matthew Hughes, b. Oct. 13, 1910, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. Sep. 21, 1993, Mabelvale, Arkansas
  • Fay Jefferson Hughes, b. Nov. 27, 1916, Jones Mill, Arkansas

Millie Isabell Hughes
b. Sep. 17, 1885, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Oct. 20, 1960, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Robert Austin Sanders, Oct. 21, 1906, Arkansas

  • Flora Sanders, b. Oct. 1, 1907, d. Jan. 22, 1908
  • William Arvilee Sanders, b. Oct. 11, 1910, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Malvern M. Sanders, b. May 30, 1913, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, d. Feb. 28, 1997, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Vela Mae Sanders, b. Sep. 26, 1919, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Elva Lena Sanders, b. Jun. 3, 1992, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; + 1) Charles Beckham, Jr., +2) Lester Nichols
  • Ovus Thurston O. Sanders, b. Aug. 3, 1925, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, d. Dec. 11, 1980

Newman Henderson Hughes
b. Oct. 5, 1887, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Sep. 17, 1977, Lawton, Oklahoma

+ Ethel Gracie Justus, Mar. 9, 1916, Lawton, Oklahoma

  • Charlcie Mae Hughes, b. Nov. 11, 1916, Loveland, Tillman County, Oklahoma; d. July 4, 1982, Lawton, Oklahoma
  • Ruby Mourine Hughes, b. Jan. 16, 1919, Loveland, Tillman County, Oklahoma; + Ben Knight, Sep. 4, 1955
  • Floy Henderson Hughes, b. Apr. 7, 1922, Frederick, Tillman County, Oklahoma; + Georgia Deola Heath, Nov. 6, 1942, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma; their children: Larry Don Hughes, b. Dec. 10, 1944, Roswell, Chavez County, New Mexico, Floy Michael Hughes, b. Feb. 2, 1947, Lawton, Oklahoma, Cheryl Mourine Hughes, b. Jan. 11, 1950, Lawton, Oklahoma, Ricky Lynn Hughes, b. July 14, 1952, Edmond, Oklahoma
  • Floyd "Shorty" Hughes, b. Sep. 22, 1924, Frederick, Tillman County, Oklahoma, d. June 28, 1942, Cache, Comanche County, Oklahoma
  • Paul William Hughes, b. May 10, 1928, Frederick, Tillman County, Oklahoma; + 1) Von Eva Kirkpatrick 1946, Lawton, Oklahoma, their children: Kathy Sue Hughes, b. June 1, 1947, Lawton, Oklahoma, Roy Douglas Hughes, b. Feb. 6 1951, Lawaton, Oklahoma; + 2) Jackie Earline Wood, April 4, 1959, Lawton, Oklahoma, their daughter: Sherry Lyn Hughes, b. Jan. 10, 1963

Jonathan Isom Hughes, a twin
b. Jan. 24, 1890, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Hot Springs, Arkansas

+ Lenna May Anthony, Dec. 5, 1917, Bismarck, Hot Spring, County, Arkansas

  • William Doyle Hughes, b. Jan. 1, 1919, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas; d. Apr. 6, 1996, Fresno, California; + Minnie Mae Rickett, Jan. 3, 1944, Hot Springs, Arkansas; their children: Barbara Jane Hughes, b. Nov. 30, 1944, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Linda Joyce Hughes, b. Nov. 27, 1946, San Luis Obispo, California, John William Hughes, b. Dec. 10, 1948, Hamilton AFB, San Rafael, California, Raymond Edward Hughes, b. Feb. 12, 1950, Hamilton AFB, San Rafael, California

Joseph Ecem Hughes, a twin
b. Jan. 24, 1890, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. May 20, 1957, Bakersfield, Kern County, California

+ Mattie Elanor Massey, Dec. 25, 1910, Hot Springs, Arkansas, daughter of Harrison Massey and Lura Bray
b. Oct. 14, 1891, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Oct. 24, 1973, Springhill, Bossier County, Louisiana

  • Ozela Hughes
  • Thomas Elmer Hughes
  • Verna May Hughes
  • Ernest Hughes
  • Mary Irene (Arena) Hughes
  • Lois Nellie Hughes
  • Geneva Olene Hughes
  • Daniel William Hughes
  • Emma Jean Hughes

Ministry and Labor

"Joseph Ecem Hughes was an itinerant minister in the Methodist Church in various towns in Arkansas, one stint in 1928 in Lillie, LA, where Dan was born. When he moved to California in August 1937, the Methodist Church in California told him he would have to go to Bible College. He was 47 years old, two children still at home, and he told them that was impossible.

"He quit preaching and became a laborer. He worked in the oil fields in Kern County, CA, was a guard at defense plants during World War II, was a laborer for carpenter work. About 1950 he was a laborer on a trucking facility being built. He asked how he could become the janitor there. He was hired when the facility opened, and was the head janitor until his retirement in 1956."
— Emma Greer, Jan. 7, 2000

Hughes Generation 10 cont.

Ozela Hughes
b. Feb. 11, 1912, Garland County, Arkansas

+ Samuel Cary Haynes, Jan. 5, 1930, Emerson, Columbia County, Arkansas, son of Sam Haynes and Carried Vaughan
b. Apr. 7, 1911, Emerson, Columbia County, Arkansas
d. June 29, 1988, Emerson, Columbia County, Arkansas

  • Minnie Dell Haynes, b. Sep. 21, 1934, Emerson, Columbia County, Arkansas
  • Deva Nell Haynes, b. Oct. 12, 1936
  • Sammy Joe Haynes, b. Jan. 2, 1939, Emerson, Columbia County, Arkansas; d. June 18, 1999, Magnolia, Arkansas

Thomas Elmer Hughes
b. Nov. 14, 1913, Garland County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 13, 1952, Bakersfield, Kern County, California

+ Lotta Belle Odell Malone, Jun. 18, 1951, Bakersfield, Kern County, California

Verna May Hughes
b. Nov. 18, 1916, Garland County, Arkansas

+ Claud Lester Bateman, Nov. 18, 1934, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas

  • Reba Fay Bateman, b. March 29, 1936, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Verla Mae Bateman, b. Apr. 1, 1938, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Frances Alean Bateman, b. Apr. 25, 1940, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Lester Travis Bateman, b. Nov. 18, 1941, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Veda Lou Bateman, b. Jan. 21, 1946, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Leslie Dwight Bateman, born and died Sep. 11, 1951, Boydsville, Clay County, Arkansas
  • Tony Ray Bateman, b. Feb. 4, 1959, Rector, Clay County, Arkansas

Ernest Hughes
b. Mar. 14, 1919, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. June 19, 1919, Bismarck, Hot Spring COunty, Arkansas

Mary Irene (Arena) Hughes
b. May 10, 1921, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas
d. June 10, 1922, Hot Springs, Garland COunty, Arkansas

Lois Nellie Hughes
b. Jan. 18, 1924, Fenley, Arkansas
d. June 29, 1926, Bismarck, Hot Spring COunty, Arkansas

Geneva Olene Hughes
b. Feb. 15, 1926, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 1, 1933, Rector, Clay County, Arkansas

Daniel William Hughes
b. May 4, 1928, Lillie, Union County, Louisiana

+ Mary Ann Clark, Mar. 26, 1954, Denver, Colorado
b. May 6, 1933, Denver, Colorado

  • Thomas Warren Hughes, b. March 18, 1955, Denver, Colorado
  • Stephen Paul Hughes, b. Oct. 23, 1957, Phoenix, Arizona
  • Timothy Clark Hughes, b. May 21, 1964, Denver, Colorado + 1) Robin Jean Gould, May 8, 1987, Springfield, Missouri, b. Mar. 7, 1964, Claremont, New Hampshire, +2) unknown, 1998, Texas

Emma Jean Hughes
b. June 30, 1931, Greenway, Clay County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 7, 2011, Oregon

+ John Virgil Greer, Mar. 5, 1954, Bakersfield, Kern County, California
b. Oct. 28, 1930, Vandevoort, Polk County, Arkansas
d. Jan. 26, 1991, Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon

  • Jacqueline Carol "Jakay" Greer, b. Jan. 24, 1958, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
  • Bruce Keith Greer, b. Apr. 12, 1960, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; +Pamela Jean Minyard Ingram, Nov. 26, 1987, Dallas, Texas, b. May 1, 1957, Lake Charles, Louisiana
  • Joseph Earl Greer, b. Apr. 26, 1961, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

Hughes Generation 9 cont.

Conrad Raymond Hughes
b. Oct. 4, 1892, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Dec. 17, 1972, Clark County, Arkansas, buried Forest Hills Cemetery, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Maggie Lee Sanders, May 4, 1913, Garland County, Arkansas

  • Henry Clinton Hughes, b. Jan. 4, 1915, Bismarck, Hot Spirng County, Arkansas; d. 1997, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • William Clifford Hughes, b. June 8, 1917, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

William Raymond Hughes
b. May 16, 1911, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 15, 1984, Harrison, Arkansas

+ Rosie Jane Buck, Jan. 21, 1934, Arkadelphia, Clark Co AR, daughter of John Buck and Missouri Boberts
b. Sep. 15, 1912, Amity, Clark County, Arkansas

  • Marion Edwin Hughes, b. Sep. 10, 1935, Arkadelphia, Clark County, Arkansas
  • Freda Sue Hughes, b. Nov. 18, 1938, Arkadelphia, Clark County, Arkansas

Hughes Generation 8

Matilda Hughes
b. 1856, Clark County, Arkansas
d. 1890, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ John Henderson Diffee, July 9, 1874, Hot Spring County, Arkansas, son of Jonathan Diffee and Mary Shuffield

Andrew Jackson Hughes
b. July 21, 1856, Clark County, Arkansas

G. I. Hughes
b. abt. 1857, Clark County, Arkansas

Hardy Andrew Hughes
b. Jan. 24, 1858, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Apr. 26, 1917, Marieta, Love County, Oklahoma

+ Kiomitia [Kioweia] Helen Dewoody, Jul. 4, 1880, Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas
b. 1860 or 1861

  • John Mack Hughes
  • Elbi J. Hughes
  • Mary Ennis Hughes
  • Enola Hughes
  • Ethel Hughes
  • Fred Hughes

Mary E. Hughes
b. abt. 1860, Clark County, Arkansas

Frances Caroline Hughes
b. abt. 1863, Clark County, Arkansas

+ David Caleb Killian, Apr. 10, 1879, Clark County, Arkansas, son of Caleb Killian and his 2nd wife Sarah "Sary" Riddle
b. Feb. 8, 1859, Arkansas

Synthia Jane Hughes
b. abt. 1865, Clark County, Arkansas

John H. Hughes
b. Oct. 16, 1867, Clark County, Arkansas

+ Mary F. Montgomery, Sep. 17, 1891, Clark County, Arkansas
b. 1873

Malinda Hughes
b. Nov. 9, 1870, Arkansas

+ William Drake Fenter, Dec. 30, 1886, Clark County, Arkansas
b. Mar. 1864, Arkansas

  • John Mack Hughes
  • Elbi J. Hughes
  • Mary Ennis Hughes
  • Enola Hughes
  • Ethel Hughes
  • Fred Hughes

James Hardy Hughes
b. abt. 1873, Arkansas

Julia Hughes
b. June 1, 1874, Clark County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 28, 1961, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Caleb Prince, Jul. 10, 1891, Clark County, Arkansas, son of Jacob Prince and Phoebe Killian
b. Nov. 18, 1969
d. Jan. 12, 1958, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

  • Eddie O. Prince, b. May 1892, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • General Simon Prince, b. 1894, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • James Curtis Prince, b. 1895 or 1896, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Walter C. Prince
  • Delta (Delter) C. Prince, b. Jan. 22, 1898, d. Apr. 1976
  • Other W. Prince, b. 1908, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
  • Murphy O. Prince, b. 1915, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Thomas Warner Hughes
b. Oct. 9, 1876, Bismarck, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
d. Aug. 28, 1961, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ Caleb Prince, Jul. 10, 1891, Clark County, Arkansas, son of Jacob Prince and Phoebe Killian
b. Nov. 18, 1969
buried Morning Star Cemetery, Garland County, Arkansas

Hughes Generation 7 cont.

Andrew Jackson Hughes
b. abt. 1836, Hamilton County, Tennessee

George Washington Hughes
b. abt. 1836, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Martha Spencer, Jan. 30, 1856, Clark County, Arkansas

Cynthia Ann Hughes
b. May 1837, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. abt. 1900, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

+ William Daniel Bray, Oct. 22, 1857, Clark County, Arkansas
b. 1829, Henderson County, Tennessee
d. June 13, 1892, Hot Spring County Arkansas

Caroline Mathilda Hughes
b. abt. 1842, Hamilton County, Tennessee
d. abt. 1900, Enterprise, Haskell County, Oklahoma

+ Casswell G. Bray, Dec. 17, 1857, DeRoche, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

Thomas Jefferson Hughes
b. abt. 1845, Hamilton County, Tennessee

Hughes Generation 6 cont.

George Hughes
b. 1800-1810

+ Name Unknown
b. 1800-1810

1830 Federal Census, Hamilton County, Tennessee (11)

George Hughs, head of household #227 (next door to the household of his father, Hardeman Hughes)
1 m 20-30; 1 f 20-30

Hardy Hughes
b. abt. 1810, Claiborne County, Tennessee (10)
d. June 16, 1878, Hamilton County, Tennessee

+ Elizabeth Posey
b. abt. 1814, Georgia
d. aft. 1870

  • Martha Hughes, b. abt 1834 Hamilton County, Tennessee
  • John W. Hughes, b. abt 1836 Lumpkin County, Georgia
  • Mary C. Hughes, b. abt 1838 Lumpkin County, Georgia
  • William L. Hughes, b. abt. 1842
  • Lucinda or Elizabeth Hughes, b. abt. 1844
  • Melvina or Melinda C. Hughes, b. abt. 1846
  • Thomas J. Hughes, b. abt. 1848, Arkansas, d. aft. 1880; + Mary (surname unknown), b. abt. 1853, d. aft. 1880; their children: William Hughes, b. abt. 1878, Tennessee, Evaline Hughes, b. abt. 1879, Tennessee
  • Benjamin P. Hughes, b. abt. 1850, Philips County, Arkansas
  • Hardy J. Hughes, b. abt. 1854, Philips County, Arkansas, d. Jan. 1, 1939, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, buried Wallace Cemetery, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee; + 1) Harriet C. Copeland, Sep. 13, 1874, Murray County, Georgia, daughter of William Pinkney (Pink) Copeland and Eveline Curd, b. abt. 1852, Polk Co TN, d. Mar. 1900, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee; + 2) Mary Thomas, abt. 1903, b. abt. 1876, Tennessee, buried Wallace Cemetery, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee
  • Matilda Caldonia Hughes, b. abt 1858 TN

Hardy Hughes fought for the Union in Co. E of the Fifth Tennessee Infantry.

Thomas Jefferson Hughes
b. abt. 1815 (10)

T. J. Hughes fought for the Union in Co. E of the Fifth Tennessee Infantry.

Hughes Generation 4 cont.

John Hughes II of Augusta
b. abt. 1752, Augusta County, Virginia
d. aft. 1832, McMinn County, Tennessee

+ Sarah Mackey, bef. 1788, Greene County, Tennessee

  • Phoebe Hughes
  • Francis Hughes
  • Sarah "Sallie" Hughes
  • Neal Hughes
  • Annie Hughes
  • Aaron Hughes
  • Allen Hughes
  • Moses Hughes

A John Hughes is listed as one of the soldiers resident in McMinn County, Tennessee, who were pensioned under the act of 1832. From Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in Tennessee, NDAR 1974, p 88:

John Hughes born 1752, died McMinn County, Tennessee; enlisted in Burke County, North Carolina, served under Col Sevier in NC Company. Was in Battle of Watauga River, later under Capt. Jacob Tipton, age 82 in 1832 Pension list of McMinn County, TN. "was brother of Francis Hughes" moved from Burke Co., NC to East TN to Blount Co., to McMinn Co., TN.

Christiana Hughes
b. betw. 1760-1770

Nathan Cooper, Aug. 1, 1791, Greene County, Tennessee, with John MacDonald as witness

Eleanor Hughes
b. betw. 1765-1770

John McDonald, Jan. 5, 1790, Greene County, Tennessee, with Michael MacDonald as witness

Hughes Generation 3 cont.

Aaron Hughes
b. 1735, Morlatton (Douglassville), Berks County, Pennsylvania
d. March 22, 1799, Jefferson County, Tennessee

+ Mary Moore, b. abt. 1750-75, the daughter of Thomas Moore and Mary Allen (Thomas Moore, b. abt. 1720, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and his wife Mary Allen, b. abt. 1720, Cecil County, Maryland, daughter of Reubin Allen and Mary)

  • Moses Hughes, b. Bet. 1750 - 1760, d. October 31, 1833
  • Abraham Hughes, b. Bef. 1764
  • John Hughes, b. Dec. 10, 1773, Virginia, d. Feb. 9, 1855, Washington County, Missouri; +Susannah Hays, Dec. 13, 1796, Jefferson County, Tennessee

Aaron Hughes lived in Greene County, Tennessee, in 1790, when he sold a female slave to Daniel Kennedy. Aaron Hughes was the executor of his father's will in 1777.

Francis Hughes, Jr.
b. abt. 1740

Francis Hughes, Jr., may be a match to the Francis Hughes, whose signature appears in 1771-1773 on a list of petitioners to form a county west of Rowan County, North Carolina

Hughes Generation 2 cont.

Rebecca Hughes
b. betw. 1697-1710, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Saint Gabriel's Church at Douglassville, Pennsylvania (where Francis and Christina had Aaron and Margaret baptised) lists on July 22, 1737: Benjamin Roberts (6 years), Rebecka Roberts (4 years), and Rachel Roberts (1 year old), children to Meils Roberts and Rebecka Hughs. I am speculating that this is the daughter of Charles and Rebecca Hughes. On January 31, 1739, a John Robert, son to Mails and Rebecla Robert, is baptised."
— David M. Hughes (1)

Anne Hughes
b. betw. 1697-1710, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Anne Hughes may have married a Roberts. If so, she was widowed by 1737."
— David M. Hughes (1)


  1. Research of David M. Hughes posted to for Charles Hughes the Immigrant and his descendants
  2. Family record of Phyllis Hughes, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
  3. Family record of Helen D. Hughes, Little Rock, Arkansas
  4. Family records of Kay White, Las Vegas, Nevada, referencing these record:
    • Land Grant Records, Tennessee State Archives and Library, Nashville, Tennessee
    • U. S. National Archives Pension Data #S 3075
    • Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina - Burke County, Vol. 2, Pg. 154
    • Bures, Robert "Tennessee Genealogical Records" Baltimore 1980 p.190
    • "Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in Tennessee", Bates 1979
    • History of Burke County by Edward W. Phifer
    • Manuscript by D. Michael Hughes, dated Feb. 1994, located in the vertical file of Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee
  5. Family records of Emma Greer, Salem, Oregon
  6. Family records of Alice Day Hughes
  7. Family records of Carl Framklin Matlock
  8. Family records of Richard Almond
  9. The Heritage, Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society, Vol. XXVIII, 2001, p. 19
  10. Family Records of Herbert Dunn, published to
  11. "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 7 September 2017), Hardy Hughs, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States; citing 81, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 180; FHL microfilm 24,538.
  12. "Tennessee, County Marriages, 1790-1950," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 17 October 2017), H Hughs and S Cooke, 1799; citing Grainger, Tennessee, United States, Marriage, p. , Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville and county clerk offices from various counties; FHL microfilm 1,358,478.
  13. "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 29 November 2016), John Hughes, died 15 Mar 1871; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Gray Cemetery, Soddy-Daisy, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States.
  14. Goodspeed's History of Greene County, Tennessee, originally published 1887, as distributed online at
  15. Revolutionary War pension application, documented by Descendants of John Hewes, , privately published by Eben Putanm, New York, 1913, Call Number Cs71.H892.
  16. Legacy content formerly published by Frances H. Casstevens to Family Tree Maker's website.
  17. "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), William Hughes, Cedar, Clark, Arkansas, United States; citing family 94, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  18. "United States Census, 1840," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 August 2017), Wm Hughes, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States; citing p. 148, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 525; FHL microfilm 24,546.
  19. "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 7 September 2017), William Hughs, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States; citing 84, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 180; FHL microfilm 24,538.
  20. "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), Ed C Hughes, Arkansas, United States; citing p. 1, family 4, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 545,548.
  21. "Arkansas, County Marriages, 1837-1957," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 September 2017), Edward C Hughs and Tabitha C Bray, 30 Oct 1856; citing , Hot Spring, Arkansas, United States, county offices, Arkansas; FHL microfilm 1,011,248.
  22. "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2017), Edwin E Hughes, 1860.
  23. Family records of Linda Meek, transmittal of Sept. 16, 1999
  24. "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2017), William Hughs, 1860.
  25. "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), William A Hughes, Arkansas, United States; citing p. 16, family 114, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 545,548.
  26. "Arkansas, County Marriages, 1837-1957," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 5 November 2017), William A Hughes and Mary C Brooks, 22 Feb 1878; citing , Clark, Arkansas, United States, county offices, Arkansas; FHL microfilm 1,009,946.
  27. "Arkansas Marriages, 1837-1944," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), William Lookadoo and Jane Hughes, 23 Feb 1851; citing Clark,Arkansas; FHL microfilm 1,009,944.
  28. The Heritage, Vol. XVI, 1989, Hot Spring County Historical Society, Malvern, Arkansas.
  29. Legacy website of Martha Lindsey,, now defunct.
  30. "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2015), Columbus Hughes, 1954; Burial, DeRoche, Hot Spring, Arkansas, United States of America, DeRoche Cemetery; citing record ID 5320607, Find a Grave,
  31. "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 April 2016), Hardy Hughes in household of John K Allen, Tucker, Clark, Arkansas, United States; citing family 28, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  32. "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2017), Sarah M Hughes in entry for Leanner Hughes, 1860.
  33. "United States Census, 1850, Bledsoe County, Tennessee"
  34. "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2017), Ephraim Hughs, 1860.
  35. Email from Ceci Hughes, July 13, 2022.