Other available projections include Enthusiast, Adventurist, Observer, Thinker, and Doer.
Honorable Mention Award
Juried group exhibition, August 5 - September 30, 2023, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, California; Shana Nys Dambrot, art critic Los Angeles Times, juror.

"Leo Tolstoy's Pants," digital media, 30" x 48", with homage to Russian artists Ilya Repin and Nakiz Bunin.
Juried group exhibition, June 1 - 30, 2023, HMVC Online Gallery and Times Square Jumbotron, New York, New York.

"Rocky Hill East Elevation: Home is Where I Drink Coffee," digital media, 2023;
architectural design, 2021; construction, 2022.
The Next Big Thing 22
Juried group exhibition, August 6 - September 24, 2022, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, California; David Pagel, art critic Los Angeles Times, juror.

Juried group exhibition, Oct. 14, 2022 - Jan. 28, 2023, CALS Roberts Library, Library Square, 401 President Clinton Ave, Little Rock, Ark.; Randy Duncan, juror.
What have I realized while creating a graphic memoir?
That my background includes many tellers of tall tales. That mythology is a part of everyday life. That a best friend can be yourself.
Why did I take standup comedy classes at Second City, in order to write graphic standup?
Because it's OK to let the laughs go where they want to go.
How did I become interested in technology?
Through a mentor at the University of Texas summer science camp. His key lesson: how most discoveries arise just after the use of a new technology. I like discoveries.
What's my favorite technology and why?
Visualization tools that help in analysis of design problems and alternate solutions. In software development, the technologies that refine designs per constraints of specific devices.
How did I become interested in photography?
Through conversations with Don Phillips, pharmacist at Rexall Drug Store and seller of photographic equipment in my hometown, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Don reviewed my attempts to learn a single lens reflex camera one summer, while I kept taking shots climbing in and out of beech nut trees.
What's my favorite art subject and why?
I am more and more interested in seeing how words and images interact and build magic. This interplay can interpret nature, or it can add meaning to personal experiences. I enjoy finding the story in a composition, whether told by a spring ephemeral, a monumental waterfall, or an egregious social injustice.
How did I become interested in architecture and design?
Through hours and hours of play as a kid with a set of Skyline building blocks. I was doing Bauhaus cathedrals at the age of 8.
What's my favorite architectural subject and why?
Residences. Because we get to eat, sleep, and play in them. Because solving problems for residential clients is a joy.
Royal librarians, Colonial legislators, Horse thieves. O my!
© 2024, David C. Orr
Updated 23 June 2024